Early mornings have a bad reputation.
Everyone wants a lie in. Nobody wants to wake up early.
But then that's modern living, I guess.
Early mornings have been tainted by their associated with work and weekdays, when life is a tired rush.
And of course, late nights and intoxication don't agree with early mornings, either.
But there's something about early mornings that a few extra hours sleep can't compete with.
Even if you decide to go back to bed afterwards, just being there to see the day break is something really special.
The gift of witnessing the earth opening it's eyelids is like no other. It's a humbling, reassuring, blissful experience.
In fact, there's no better time to simply just “be”, to reside in nature's palm and feel a part of it all.
It's a calming, somewhat hypnotic time of the day, standing there with a cup of coffee by the window, watching the morning unfold.
And a truly liberating experience being outside in the fresh air, as Mother Nature blesses you with another day in her kingdom.
Getting up early offers an alternative view of life, sorely missed by late risers.
It's a front row seat for the waking of the planet. A gift of opportunity in so many ways.
Every frown is given a new chance to smile.
Every grudge given a new chance at forgiveness.
Every situation given a fresh chance at change.
No matter whether it's a beautiful sunrise in a foreign land or a rainy morning on home soil, each scene is different, each act familiar but previously unseen.
No morning is ever the same.
The sun a little closer.
The grass a little longer.
The world a little older.
The actors a little more experienced.
It's an amazing feeling to be one of the first to breathe the fresh air, to hear the bird's new song and watch life lift the curtain on a new episode of the show.
I feel blessed to have seen the sun come up in so many wonderful places, in so many pockets of the earth.