If you’re reading this, then you’re probably interested in meditation, and have probably heard lots of good things about the benefits. But you’ve also probably wondered how monks manage to sit still for so long during meditation. Hours on end, day after day, year after year. Don’t they get bored, don’t they think about that…Read More
How One Morbid Affirmation Will Transform Your Life Right Now
There are few absolute truths in life, but one that is undeniable is this: the only thing that has any substance is the ‘now’. That is to say that this moment, happening right now, is the only thing that matters. It is the only thing that exists and has any relevance to our perceived existence.…Read More
How to Start Practicing Mindfulness Immediately
Inquisitive minds often ask me how best to practice mindfulness. My answer is usually the same and usually takes the asker by surprise; “You are doing it right now”. Of course this prompts an “Am I?” type response. Mindfulness is a life discipline derived from Buddhism and rooted in ancient Tibetan philosophy. But if one…Read More
No Smartphone for a Day: A Challenge for the Modern World
It won’t be long before all we need to do is hold up a palm and swipe our skin to make calls and access Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other social networks. Considering just how much of an extension of the mind and body smartphones and tablets have become, it’s the next logical…Read More
What Are Mindfulness Exercises & How Can They Change Your Life?
Mindfulness exercises are becoming increasingly popular as a holistic way to temper stress and anxiety, and as an alternative form of meditation to tame the ‘monkey mind’. Being mindful simply means being fully present and aware in the moment; to bring about clear seeing of the true reality of the now in a non-judgmental way.…Read More
How to Stop Taking the Office Home on the Weekend
Whether you travel to an office or work from home in a spare room, like most people in the modern day you probably suffer from “taking your work home ” syndrome. Whether you can’t stop mentioning stuff that happened at work to your partner, or can’t stop checking emails on your phone when helping the…Read More
Feeling Stressed or Irritated? Try This Mindfulness Magic Trick
Are you feeling stressed or irritated? Are you about to scream out loud or pull your hair out? Then try this little mindfulness trick to re-centre and re-balance. Whenever you feel like you can’t settle down to get anything done, whenever you feel bothered and irritated but can’t quite put your finger on why, whenever…Read More
Seeing Emptiness, Have Compassion
About 10 years ago, one of my teachers said something that has formed an integral part of my life ever since. He was speaking on the subject of dealing with aggression, hate and prejudice, and said, “Seeing emptiness, have compassion”. Those simple words resonated with me immediately; perhaps because he made this act of loving-kindness sound…Read More
What to Say When Someone Mocks Your Mindfulness Meditation
One of the most valuable lessons I was taught regarding meditation was to never preach, to never become caught up in the promotion of its benefits. I was told to go about my meditation practice quietly and humbly. Not to hide it, but not to try and convince others that they should be doing it too; only to…Read More
What if This is a Dream? [Why My Dad’s Answer Changed My Life]
I was seven years old when I said something that my Dad says has stayed in his memory for life, something he stills remembers word for word like it was yesterday. I remember it vividly too. I was sitting in the back of my Dad’s car, driving to the corner store where we’d stop on…Read More