The New Year is upon us, which means it’s time to make a resolution or two. So what will it be this year: lose weight, again; promise yourself a change of job, again; earn more money, perhaps? The truth is, most of us will do the same thing we always do: set some goals that…Read More
5 Things You Can Do to Bring Joy to Others at Christmas
December can be a pretty stressful month. Between the parties, the gift shopping, the decorations, the baking, the writing of cards and managing the expectations of family and close friends, it’s no wonder we end up asleep on the sofa come the afternoon on Christmas day. But amidst the madness, it’s worth pausing for thought…Read More
Still Your Mind in 7 Steps for Total Relaxation [& a Darn Good Nap!)
I’ve developed a fair few ways to bring my mind to center over the years. Most are innovations of using the breath and my surroundings to focus my awareness and still my thoughts. Today I want to share with you a new method I use when taking an afternoon nap to recharge my brain. This…Read More
Some Days I Just Want to Run Away…
“Some days I just want to run away, man…” I thought for some time before responding, mainly because what came into my head wasn’t an immediate response but strangely thoughts of how I would have responded some 13 or so years ago, or indeed how most would expect someone to respond. So instead of answering…Read More
The Moment My Mind Walked Home
I have just returned from Bali, where I spent five days with my wife on a small holiday. We visited a few Hindu temples but spent much of the time chilling out and taking in the epic views. On the advice of our doctor we didn’t want to do too much because my wife is…Read More
You’ve Changed! – I Know, That’s Life!
We have all heard disappointment echo out of those words before. As if it were a bad thing to have moved on, to have changed opinion, evolved a new mindset and become interested in the fruits of other trees. We have all been guilty, too. We have all uttered those words in one form or…Read More
Why I Love Early Mornings…
Early mornings have a bad reputation. Everyone wants a lie in. Nobody wants to wake up early. But then that’s modern living, I guess. Early mornings have been tainted by their associated with work and weekdays, when life is a tired rush. And of course, late nights and intoxication don’t agree with early mornings, either. But…Read More
Time is an Indiscriminate Thief
Based on a recent experience at a train station, I sent the following to my email list and had some lovely emails back. And so I thought I’d share it here for those not subscribed to my list. As the train pulls into the station everyone prepares for the doors to open. The dash…Read More
How to Stop Worrying – The Mindfulness Approach
Fact: 99% of our worry never amounts to anything more than worry. Worry is the cause of an earth-moving amount of unnecessary stress and emotional torment. Worry can become habitual, leading to a life plagued by anxiety about what might happen if X, Y and Z… So Why Do We Worry So Much? Well, perhaps because…Read More
My Humble Feature in Mindful Magazine
A while ago I penned a post on Mindfulness Exercises for Kids. The post has been pretty popular and was subsequently read by the creators of Mindful Magazine. Back in June, the editor contacted me with some questions on the subject, and as a result I have a small feature in the August edition. It’s a wonderful…Read More