We all know that feeling. In fact, for many of us it is a constant theme looping uncontrollably through our lives. I’ve got so many things to do! You keep telling yourself this. You tell everyone else, especially those who want to add to your never-ending to-do list. This state of mind stops you being…Read More
Why There’s No Greater Success Than the One You’re Experiencing Now
Whenever I refer to “success”, I feel compelled to point out that I’m talking about whatever it means to you personally. I say this because success doesn’t have to mean getting to the top of a career ladder or earning lots of money, as we have become somewhat programmed to believe. Success should be a…Read More
How to Escape Being a Victim of Time & Truly Live in the Present Moment
The easiest way to explain living in the present is to start by explaining what it means to not be present, since this is the state we have become habitually used to. When you aren’t being present you become a victim of time. Your mind is pulled into the past or the future, or both.…Read More
5 Ways Sitting at Work is Ruining Your Health [& How to Break the Routine]
I am going to be frank with you: At some point in the future, you will die. And unless my funding comes through for implanting my brain into a giant robot body, so will I. Personally I’d like to hold off that day for as long as possible, but at times it seems like everything is trying…Read More
How a Fish Taught Me the Meaning of Life Over Lunch
Yesterday I sat by a pond to eat my lunch. A particularly peaceful spot, there were some koi carp circling the pond’s perimeter. As I sat in in quite contemplation munching on my pasta and vegetables, a surprising thing happened. A fish swam around the pond and, when it reached the point at where I was…Read More
12 Simple Ways to Feel Inspired & Happy Right Now
We all need a touch of inspiration to reignite the fire in our soul, be it to stimulate creative ideas for a project we are working on or simply to break the monotony of life’s autopilot and lose ourselves in the moment of possibility for a while. It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle…Read More
Why You Should Take the Day off Work & Not Feel Guilty About It
Man, I just can’t get motivated to do any work today. I don’t know What it is, I’m just not feeling it at all. Any tips? Take the day off. Do something you love and come back tomorrow feeling refreshed and productive. Outrageous, huh? Telling someone to take the day off work just because they feel…Read More
6 Ways Anger Changes Who You Are & 5 Simple Steps to a Calmer Mind
We all have those days when we get to the end of our tether with life: your partner doesn’t appreciate you, your job sucks, bills keep going up, friends are being awkward, life is unfair and you just can’t get a break. And to top it all off, you’re tired as hell! And just when you are on…Read More
What Clearing Out the Attic Reminded Me About Letting Go of the Past
I’m pretty good at letting go and moving on from past events; I’ve had a fair bit of practice over the years. But today I was reminded of just how hard it can be to let go of the past. I was reminded how people get stuck in that mental prison of what ifs and why…Read More
Understanding the Monkey Mind & How to Live in Harmony with Your Mental Companion
We all have the mind of a monkey. This analogy, slightly humorous though it may be, is actually quite salient. Consider that we humans have around fifty thousand separate thoughts each day, many of them on the same topic. You might imagine that each thought is a branch, and you, or at least the attention…Read More