Bad luck can be pretty difficult to cope with, particularly when it seems to be targeting you and no one else.
My mother always said that bad luck comes in bouts of three. It does often seem that way, too, though perhaps I have convinced myself of this theory.
There have been times on a two-string streak of bad luck where I end up hanging around waiting for the third to come along. Negative thinking.
You lose your phone, then get hit with an unexpected bill, and then fall over and bump your knee. Told you!
But it's just a belief. It isn't a real thing. It's all in the mind.
And that is the thing about dealing with bad luck, and getting over it: it is all about mindset.
When we encounter bad luck, we immediately begin to question what we have done wrong to attract such bad luck into our lives.
When bad things keep happening, we question “why me”?
Even though you are trying to be a good person and do the right things in life, bad luck is following you around as if it was some sort of punishment.
Of course, this gives rise to a belief in karma and some sort of spiritual retribution; perhaps for past life wrongdoings, or wrongdoings that you have inadvertently committed in some way.
Keeping it Real
But let's be frank about this.
There are 7.6 billion people in the world.
Someone has to lose their job, someone has to break their leg, someone has to get a huge phone bill that they weren't expecting, someone has to miss a flight because they were stuck in a taxi, someone has to get their visa application refused.
You get the picture.
We all experience bad luck. But like wealth, bad luck is relative.
Your version of bad luck might be someone else's version of a pretty normal day.
By and large, unless you die, or someone you know dies, or is diagnosed with some horrible illness, there is usually someone far worse off than yourself.
That truth, in itself, is usually enough to kick you into positive action and take control of your direction.
The Self-Blame Game
But rather than letting go of the bad luck and moving on with a positive mindset that things will get better, we often enter the self-blame game.
We stop moving forward and begin looking backwards. We begin questioning why this event took place: what could I have done differently, what events could have occurred that would have produced a different outcome.
Then we begin to question ourselves on a more personal level: am I not good enough? Am I not deserving of good things? Am I doomed to fail?
We spend a lot of time and energy in this headspace. This causes stress, anxiety and sleepless nights.
We walk around all gloomy, with a very negative outlook on life, low confidence and low self esteem.
So it is no surprise that we begin to attract more of the same.
Negative energy will always attract negative energy.
It is no coincidence that successful people in both their personal and professional capacities are generally positive people who believe that things are going to get better and work out for the best, regardless of the decisions they have made.
So if you find yourself in this self-blame state of mind, you must immediately take steps to take yourself out of it.
How to Move Forward, Positively
When you are in a run of bad luck, there is only one thing you can do, and that is to move forward.
To keep thinking about what you could have done differently and what might have happened if a different set of circumstances had occurred just keeps rubbing salt in the wound.
You are causing yourself more pain.
More often than not, in the grander scheme of things, you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
You are essentially making the event bigger than it needs to be.
You are breathing new life into something that has already come and gone.
You are allowing the bad luck to dictate your present situation, and ultimately your future.
You are re-living the events over and over in your head, and in doing so stopping yourself moving forward.
You must let go. Blaming and questioning yourself makes you static in life and bound to the past.
These things are sent to try us and test our resolve. Talk to anyone of 60+ about this very subject and they will pretty much tell you exactly what I am writing here.
These things do make you stronger.
These experiences will shape your life.
We all have to go through our fair share of bad luck.
But what separates those who stop letting bad luck hold them back from those who are unable to get over these experiences, is the fact that they are able to remain present, create a plan of action and move forward – positively.
Nothing in the past can help you right now. That bad luck has happened, it's done and gone.
Take Action Now!
So grab a pen and a piece of paper, and start mapping out the steps you’re going to take to move forward and make positive things happen in your life.
Whether you need to find a new job or want to start dating again, or you want to re-sit an exam or re-take your driving test; whatever it is, start formulating a plan immediately.
Consider exactly what it is you need to do to get from the situation you're in now to the situation you want to be in.
Using a new job as an example: the first step would be to create a new resume. Spend the day researching how to create an awesome resume. Really put a lot of hard work into making it stand out from everyone else's.
Then create a list of companies that you would love to work for. This will be your hit-list of companies to contact over the next few days.
Then you might choose to join some job agencies who will do some of the searching for you.
The next step might be to personally deliver your resume to those companies on your hit-list: Put on some smart clothes, get yourself down there, knock on the door, introduce yourself and hand over your resume.
Literally get your foot in the door. Those companies that you can't reach on foot, phone them up and enquire about vacancies, or email them and mail over your resume.
You get the idea here.
This is about picking yourself up off the floor and being proactive. It is about going out there and taking action to change the course of your life.
The only person that can put a stop to this run of bad luck is YOU.
Make your plan, get yourself into bed nice and early, and wake up early and make a fresh start. Everything looks brighter after a good sleep and an early start.
Turn over a new leaf, start writing a new chapter in the book of your life.
Make a commitment right now to not let bad luck dictate your life and lead you passively into more of the same.
Turn the corner now and make it happen. Before you know it, you’ll be in a much better place.

Demetria McNeil says
When I say before I read this article I was in a state of what I do so bad to be going through what I been going through. This article literally spoke to me from the beginning until the end. Now I know that I have been my own enemy by not accepting the situation that I am in and using it to move forward but now I know what I have to do to move forward.And I think I made the first step in admitting that I let myself get this way. Thanks for putting these words in place to help me move on.
Alfred James says
I’m so glad this has helped you get new perspective. I wish you all the best with your next step towards the next chapter of your life.
Singh says
I’m sorry – but I will need to disagree with some points in this article. Not because I want to start a debate and not because I want to prove that I am right or not but it seems like whenever I think positive something negative happens – why is that because I am losing my mind! I told myself in positive mind that my marriage will go very well and I will be the happiest person in my life – but no totally opposite happened, then I thought at young age I will get support from my friend – in positive mind but again totally opposite happened the list is so long that I am getting nervous
Julie says
I believe you and totally agree. Do you also feel like when you talk nobody listens but when everyone else yaps you are forced to listen? I see no comment after your opinion but the next person sure as got a response!. I have bad luck all day every day. Its horrible and I’m sick of it!
Jeanne says
Same here, fell down, shoulder and leg pain, now today stung by a wasp. People tell me I have bad luck
Kathy says
Also how is a person supposed to just pick up and make a new plan.What if you’re so broken you don’t have gas money.I don’t even have a car and I live where no one will drive this far to get me so I lay and star at the ceiling
Jordan says
Broosssss I’ve had bad luck all my life things break around me even when I don’t touch them I’m always passing bad luck onto others I’m always not getting listened too but forced to listen to others. I’m like this walking aura of bad luck. Idky but I feel like a horrible person. I’ve hurt so many people with my bad luck….. and every time I think positive about anybody else in my life it goes completely left I’ve never had one gf to stay in my life and be loyal all of them have cheated on me and the same happens right back to them every time and then they go back to me scared of me because they know of the pasts relationships. Wtf is happening to me
Kathryn says
Me to everything that can and does go wrong on a permanent basis everytime I think positive I just get knocked back down with a bang . I dont know what to do am generally scared for the future.
Mark whitmore says
You should live a day in my life then you’ll know the meaning of bad luck.
Miguel says
I agree. I usually have unbelievable strokes of bad luck one after another regardless of whether I think or act “possitive”
Dee says
I’m chiming in this conversation bc I’m like a magnet for bad luck. Every time I get myself out of a financial bind, buildup my credit something comes along and takes the little funds I have saved up and have to borrow more to with now I’m back in debt. My son is the same way he does well
For while and then all hell breaks lose. How truck breaks on the way from work, the guy he carpools with quits and find another job, his baby man now wants to move in the middle
Of all
This and his funds are low, truck has to go the shop, he’s hustling money foe baby mamas apt in addition to borrowing Simeon else vehicle to get to work, he knocks a tooth out, we pay 400$ to get a partial, he loses it the same week. He wrecks truck at gas station same week after getting it out of the shop. Bought a tv $330 it falls out of his hands while trying to install on wall and shatters the screen. Now he’s blaming me as
His bad luck bc I’m
Telling him as a Parent he trying to do too much at one time.
Tony says
100% true!!! My middle name is bad luck, PERIOD. No mindset, attitude, or trinket will or ever has changed that!!
Alfred James says
But what if your mindset could improve things, even if just a little? You’re already convinced your “middle name” is bad luck, which is a pessimistic outlook you carry each day. You are expecting bad things to happen.
Of course life is cruel: people get terminally ill, others have bad accidents, sometimes good intentions are ruined by external factors – many things are out of our control. Everyone goes through a run of bad luck. But we can make things happen. We can turn negatives into positives. Day to day opportunity is influenced by our action. Simply changing course – a new job, new surroundings, choosing positive relationships – can make a huge difference in the balance of positive/negative in life.
As I always say: what’s the alternative? To sit down and throw the towel in? To give up trying?
Elizabeth says
Very very true,have u found solutions for that you share with me.i feel like being off social media,posting in groups,for a while.Julie,am waiting please.
Christopher Esposito says
Exactly, or when someone on Quora post something ridiculous and they get millions of views and when someone post something meaningful and deep they get nothing, It is all about luck in this world.
Gef Leigh says
No person I know wants to think themself into bad luck !but for good there has to be bad ,light ,dark ,see where ism going with this ?looking at the bigger picture I realise I dont suffer starvation,or drink sewage type water or am severely disabled,!but human nature being how it is we tend to focus on only our own life,the one that affects us,!I consider myself a very unlucky person,all be it petty bad luck,it my car breaks they haven’t got the part,!one shot off the vehicle hoist in front of my eyes,I wanted to join the police back in the day,!eye sight below standard requirements, 30 years on no such standards exist,the list is endless ,!what I mean to say you cat think yourself good or bad luck it’s a case of there’s how thing should be and then there’s how things are,!p s ,I was born on the13 and go by the catchy nickname ,Lousy luck leigh.
Steph says
Sometimes in life one door closing is too open a new one. And, once one opens the door there will be new pain and pleasures, again. It hurts to say goodbye, so some say” see ya later”!
Sue Ellen says
Guys, we all googled this because we are confused and disappointed because nothing seems to be going well for us. However, what can we do? I need action steps! This ‘talking to our God’ or our ‘angels’ is obviously not working right now. I think we are all inherently good people (well, not serial killers & the like), but you know what I am saying. The best thing we CAN do is to try and support each other and show love. I mean, what are the other choices? ❤️❤️
Annie says
Same here when i think of something good coming my way it turns opposite
andrea says
That happens to me too. Regardless of how delusionally positive I become nothing really gets better. People just can’t accept that some circumstances are out of your control. It’s exhausting when you have an issue and all someone can ever harp about is “Think positive!!”.
I’m pretty sure if it were that easy I would never have a bad day in my life.
Rana Gonzalez says
To me perspective: To be clear I ALWAYS had a positive mindset no.matter what was going on in my life and always believed in my dreams. After reading some comments here not to minimize how someone feels however sometimes its perspective…
I was married and every pregnancy was abused in every way possible. I was abused in some way every single day, being cheated on absolutely mentally drained amd pushed to my limit. All while taking care of 3 children and trying my best to protect them from seeing it also how to get them what they needed since I couldn’t afford daycare. My father never cared for me since he left when I was a baby and started like 3 familes since and even if I call he won’t answer my mother is more like my child and if I have $5 she will ask for it and at the same time mad I have it when she doesn’t. Every single thing has gone wrong after finally getting the courage to not be afraid and risk my life so my children have a real chance. Moved into a side by side with the absolute worst nightmare neighbors and no money to move. I was so determined I took as many trips as I could in my car and anything O couldn’t manage to move myself I had to leave behind bc I left with no money and little furniture..I took almost nothing of my own bc I jist wanted my children to be comfortable. STILL greatful not to be forced to please him just so I could avoid as much confrontation as I could for my kids. Being $200 short of my rent after getting corona only to be required to pay $360 in late fees as a result and $780 bill for water that I am required to split with said people and my utilities were only $175 for this entire duration not even using a washer or dryer. Only to have my landlord show up screaming at my door for his money…of which I gave the money I somehow managed to save over 7 months so my children could have a good Christmas only to give my screaming landlord all of it all the while fimding out they have been friends for 20 years which would explain why Im paying half the bill for 7 people when it is just me and my 3 kids. One of my children is autistic and ADHD and has a pretty hard time not seeing his dad which he now does not have to worry abt at the moment since my restraining order just expired and my safety or my children is not a priority in already a overpopulated luck of the draw you might end up on the news. I could go on but my last thing is my back door was busted in lock and doorknob broken…called the police only to be told I mustve did it myself since they asked for my landlords phone number and from that made the decision in a outlandish egregious compulsive BIAS conclusion “that I broke my own door in because I am late in the rent” which btw happened to be at this time 90%in late fees for $200 I was late on the month prior and $100 that month. I literally didnt sleep for like 2 days I was so upset and felt so violated. Anyhow I’m going to stop and say “I am going STAY positive and do whatever I can to make a good life for my children and keep us safe and get out of this place. Fyi: I did not proofread of any sort if anyone reads thank you for being a very good Human. Please pray for me or positive thoughts ..any advice on what steps I can take or how I can manage to go for my dream job considering I don’t have family that can help if I was to take my exam or interviews? Any advice would be appreciated
Alfred James says
Hi Rana,
I was almost in tears reading this. I feel for you and your kids, particularly as we move towards the holiday season. Do you have any friends that you can turn to?
Dawn says
I really do hope that things are working out for u
I didn’t leave and now my children are in care and I’m trying to get them bk
I’m not with him anymore
And I don’t have any family also so doing by my self
I will be praying for u and your family x
Lynn says
Can u go to a caravan park and rent a trailer home, all the facilities will be included in rent?
Sorry u have to go thru all this
When I was in that stage of life, I just kept looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. It will be there, best wishes🌻☺️
Bbree says
Hi I hope you are well.. I have been through a lot of what you were saying… it’s like my story.. it never ends.. my email is .. 😺😺😺
bill says
You are a good person you give love and do good things because you are a good person.You give love and people pay you back with regrets . You just want to be treated fairly but people are unfair to you.Be very careful who you choose for your friends and your woman.This world is unfair and yes there are good people . You are attracted to the wrong tupe of people its not your fault you have a good heart and thats what counts.Try to find people who really care about who you really are.Your a diamond with a good heart look for another diamond . Stay away from coals they are black and dirty.
Erika says
I totally agree with you. I feel the same way with positive thinking but negative happens, I even asked if I was born just to suffer while other’s succeed without even trying. Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing good happened in my life. At the early age I was abused, at 23 got married same abuse continued from in laws and his family, had kids but left with defects after giving birth, yesterday Oct. 8th-25 years ago my twins died because my in-law put something in the food she prepared for me, no 1 believed me until I recorded my in-law admitting what she did, she also poisoned me, she tried to rid of me & my husband stood by her side not mine, at my job I was verbally abused by my boss yet my husband didn’t see it, lost our home, cars, went to college for RN and I had to take many classes that I did not needed all because I was a foreigner yet I aced all my classes while many failed it, after 2 years of college I had to take an exam before the clinicals that I was just 1 point (got a 74 % needed a 75) but they failed me so couldn’t continue. Talk about depression and suicide. Tried therapy but she was so negative to everything I told her that I did so that didn’t helped. I felt and still feel like everything and everybody is against me and even though I was always a believer no amount of belief or prayer ever helped me. I ask God a million times why am I on this Earth, what are my purposes to be here and live but no sign ever and I still don’t know why I was saved from drowning when I was 5 just to suffer all my life. Anyone who thinks I’m crazy, I’m not, you haven’t heard a 1/4th about my life. If I would post all what I survived till now you all would ask how am I still alive and not committed suicide yet. I’m still here & trying to figure out what I’m suppose to be or do & how, but 1 thing I can say my life was not peachy at all!
Blame God says
Let’s be honest, God hates almost everybody and people who have bad luck are victims of God. God is pure evil so of course he’s going to do the most evil things to good people. We won’t be able to change our luck but we can hurt God by turning other people against him.
The Bible tells us that God causes calamity and creates evil. God does this because our suffering is his pleasure. God is an evil entity responsible for bad luck, suffering, anguish, frustration and pain.
Andrea Safadi says
I feel you so much on this. Financially I have always been fine but the only thing I’ve ever wanted was love and that just so happens to be the one thing I can never find.
It’s honestly like my life is some kind of cruel joke.
To the person who responded below, I kind of feel this way sometimes. There are so many good people that suffer while awful people flourish in life. If there is a God he probably doesn’t care about us.
I was also the same. No matter how positively i think or how much I believe and pray, the opposite of what I wish for always comes to fruition. I’ve felt for my entire life that God must hate me. My parents never loved me but keep me around for appearances. Suffered through abuse and neglect for a good chunk of my life from almost everyone you can think of. Teachers, classmates, coworkers, family and extended family., a lover. I have no one.
Linda says
Fully agree with you, positive thinking yielded nothing, working hard with nothing to show, last-minute disappointments, the list is long.
Ogre Girl says
Like The Universe is fighting you, right? I’m in my 53rd year of losing this invisible involuntary game. Sucks.
ALIX says
I’m just going to jump in here as after reading alot of comments I too have had a hard life with one trauma after another and never letting up long enough for me to actually regain some strength for what came next but as cold as it sounds and I am truly sorry everyone is suffering horrid life’s I don’t feel so alone thinking it’s just me who’s going through it and I know the world is suffering badly but I’m talking in general life, where nothing goes right, I think there should be a place online where people like us can chat if nothing else it won’t feel as if we are isolated and suffering alone.. thanks for your time x
Matt says
Singh you just have to keep your chin up mate whatever life throws at us we have to get straight back up that’s how we become the people we are today. Everyone experiences bad luck in there lives some more then others but at the end of the day you have to remain positive and not question or blame yourself just think of different ways to do things. If you ever need to chat I’m all ears.
Pam says
I agree
My mind set didn’t caused my debit card number to be stolen and the negative balance it caused, mor the bank not paying it back. I didn’t cause 5 year old car to have major break issue, and I didn’t create covid and had no job for a year and half and lost all my savings paying bills. This shit happens weekly. I’m begging to believe in curses.
Evalyne says
Am also in the same position. When I am positive everything goes negative. If i get out to look for money, the day the money is supposed to be sent to me the person either switches off the phone or some sort of bad thing happens at his/her end, and boom I’m back to square one.
Celena Oxley says
This is my life too. But I believe it will only last for seven years. It will end in 2024. I will win the lottery, get a new car, buy my next home, remarry and have a new family; all at 51! I truly believe it. If you believe your luck is bad, you will believe that I am making up the things I have to tell you. I asked God to give me the strength to persevere until March, 2024 comes along because only He can save me from what I am going through. I hope you’re over your bad luck streak by now as well. Love from Trinidad 🇹🇹.
Natalia says
Thank you so much and may God bless you,you have really helped many ,me as one of them.l now know what to do,thank you so much .Natalia,all the way from Kenya
joyce says
its depend on what kind of the door your opening , have going through a lot and have try to open new door that come a long but at the end thing become the same, sometime. can you gave me some tips so that i can get to know which kind of the door am i going to opening that will bring so much into my life .
Cruz says
The mind is a powerful thing that can make or break you if you let it, self doubt is far worse, but having faith will go a long way! Keep at it and Keep God first amen!
N/A says
First of all I stopped reading when you mentioned it’s all in mind, I used to think that but when your constantly told “I’ve never seen anyone with as much bad luck as you “ my only response to that was “So you see it too and it’s not all in my head “. I’ve always stumbled and fallen and dusted myself off only to have it’s ugly head rear up and slam me down again for example I started a new carrier that would have greatly helped me financially after I I had proven myself after training my first year I was set to change my destiny, well not so fast my job was seasonal right at the beginning of the season my father died second year my sister third year my uncle who had trained me for this what would have been a great career all in the beginning of the season so I believe I was deemed unreliable my fourth year I struggled to convince my employer to give me work so I decided to go out on my own well got ripped of thousands the following year things really started looking up was having a great year I was securing new routes and was busy life was going good so out of the blue blew my ACL out. I was off for months once again I’m deemed unreliable and ever since I’ve been struggling . So when you say it’s all in your mind walk a mile in my shoes you wouldn’t have written all the gibberish in this article.
Christina says
I’ve been in such a bad mood since so many bad things have been happening to me today. So much that I feel like it’s pilling up. However, reading this definitely brought me to a new perspective. I’ve been unconsciously blaming myself for everything to the point that it even affects the things I do on a daily basis. Thank you for bringing me to my senses again. It’s always people like you who I’d love to have a chat with all day 🙂
Alfred James says
Great to hear my words could help Christina. I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you. 🙂
Hannah says
Same here
My friends ALWAYS get everything and I don’t. Its hard seeing them everyday because they are sooo much more talented than me. At times, I feel like … I don’t want to be friends with them because they are making me jealous. Today at school I will be alone for the whole day since they are all going to a competition my mum wouldn’t let me do. Bieng friends with them makes my life hell but if I leave them then its same
I will have nobody..
This passage has really helped to realize that maybe I should get rid of the negativity in my life.
Steph says
Find your path. Your great too, you need to find your own purpose and place in life.
Angelina says
I read this in a state of despair and not knowing what to do. I’ve done all of these things. I never played the victimizing games because knew that wasn’t good. I thought of what it may have been and then I thought of ways to stop it. I was positive and I kept fighting through it because I wanted whatever it was to know that I wasn’t going to fall captive to it. Then things got worse. I literally did everything. I even lost my job and decided to use the time in healing myself and being positive. There were people I worked with who barely knew me.they would say ” not to be rude..but every single time you come to work something bad happens..something that never ever happens normally..only when you are here. It happens to the point that I do not want to work the same shifts you do. It made me feel awful. I thought maybe it was just me because things happen in life. Then it got worse. Mind you all of these events occurred within either days, weeks and all together months. I was rear ended. Car totaled. They refused to look at my car and put it back that way the amount of the damage would say I have little physical damage. I begged for an MRI and wasn’t given one. My back was in horrible pain. I can barely stand it. Then I was asked to moved out. Then I got an infection and was in the hospital for a few days after being bed ridden for a few weeks. Then I broke my foot. I did nothing to my foot. They asked if I kicked anything etc. NOTHING. They just said my bones were broken. After this my cousin passed away from drug overdose..shortly after this my car broke down. A car I hadn’t even had for a year. Then I lost my job. Then my phone was shut off. Then a few days later I was hit a second time. That driver had no insurance. They finally did an MRI and I have 6 ruptured disks in my back and 2 bulging disks in my neck. I lost my health insurance and ended up losing a resource for my antidepressants which I’ve been on. I ended up losing it and crying and getting tremors , diarrhea etc. I begged for help and I couldn’t get an authorization for it because I’d lost my insurance. Then I went to medical. They threw out my application and said I made too much. They used an amount from 3 years ago and I told them that over and over. Apparently there were two files under my name. After that I struggled and had to borrow money from everyone to get my antidepressants. Then they gave me two doctors. Both doctors ended up being ones that were not accepted. Then I had to be put on an waiting list AGAIN. This time for up to two months. I had nothing. My fiance went to get me a loan to help. The next day I swipe and it is declined. I called. The tax and collections took every cent. I had called them before letting them know I lost my job. What is worse is that I paid 175 for my taxes to be done and they said there is no trace of them at all!!!! After my account was levied and I was told it wouldn’t be touched…I had about 40 dollars to get food that my friend gave me..I went to use that and that also was taken AGAIN after I was told my account wouldn’t be touched until I had a job..then I got unemployment. My unemployment was also taken away a few weeks after due to a miscommunication with my previous employer that was false. After that my car broke down again. And my phone shut off. I have had so so many other things happen and these are just some. I know there are bad things that happen in life..but this is not right. I’ve never done anything to hurt someone. I’ve never stolen, lied or anything! I always grew up wanting love and wanting to be accepted and did things for others than myself. When my cousin passed I cut ALL the people off who were bad for me and even those who were good and explained that I needed time to heal and work on myself. Even if I had to make sacrifices to be broke. I could no longer live this way. I’m desperate I need help. My head hurts and I’ve prayed, I’ve worked side jobs and ive applied to jobs ever single day. I believe in working hard and not asking of others unless I’m desperate and had done everything in my power to care for myself FIRST. I do not condone laziness and I’ve busted my tail so so hard that I’m worn out. All I have left is me and to pray. I’m heartbroken and im empty. I don’t know what has taken over my life. I need help in what to do. I’ve tried EVERYTHING. Prayer, life coach, finance coach, applying for jobs, thinking positive, therapy, psychiatric care, meditation, working out, meetings with others , talking to others close to me, I volunteer, just anything and I’m stuck. I can’t stop crying and I feel like I want to die. I believe in God so I would never kill myself..I just feel that way inside and I know there is more to life..but I need help..if anyone can suggest anything please..
David says
Same thing happening to me…for decades…you may need to start over with a low paying job…work your way back up and save your money this time…Also “positive thinking” is a bunch of bs…it teaches you to suppress your emotions…your reality…it teaches you to lie to yourself…you cant change thru positive thinking…you change thru being real to yourself and your situation…you change by honoring yourself and the negativity within you…it’s not bad to be negative or have negative emotions…how could you be “positive” about not having a job???…Be real with yourself and do whats best for you…read this…
Henry Ford didn’t believe in “positive thinking” he believed in taking action!!!…
Hope this helps…be kind to yourself…you’re all you got!!!…
DD says
Right on David, above here.
Yes, I have had bad luck for 17 years, since my husband was murdered.
However, when I think about it; I have no idea how lucky I may actually in…
1. Maybe missed being in accident by being late for work because of that Sunday driver I was so frustrated having to follow.
2. Maybe I was bullied to the point of having what was called a mental break…something or other…which put me on disability….and distanced all, yes, even my own mother….so much so that no one wanted to be around me because I was so angry, afraid, crying, or just plain unable to listen. Maybe I ended up quitting that job because it was in a dangerous place; where there are dangerous people, who would easily murder me for a cigarette if someone were to ask them. Maybe I am lucky for now, THAT surely cannot happen.
3. Maybe I have four brain tumors which are innoperable, completely enmeshed within the rest of the brain, which DID respond to experimental therapy…until I was bullied so much ( above..even to the point that daily, co workers, who were envious of my experience and respect I received from others` higher up)that stress hormones probably were to blame for them now growing again and threatening to kill me by pushing on other areas of my brain…hey…they are benign…thats lucky…BUT ALSO…I would not be quitting not only my job but my honorable career in which I have a stack of thank yous from clients over the last 15 years ( no one I have ever met in my line of work has ANY)…I would not be leaving this stressful and bullied career if it werent for these tumors…and who knows….when I am in Europe, with my backpack and ME ONLY….
Perhaps I will start again, find love again, and surely…I WILL see greatest works of art…leave the USA where its values do not match mine……and find new and unknown yet people who I will definitely be open to..because I will HAVE TO…
And…maybe I will start to have good luck …like I used to have before my husband died..
AND…more ideas…
Every day my son came home from school and was asleep safely in bed
Every day I came home from work alive
Every day we still text or hear each others voices over the phone…
And thats kind of the way I see it.
AND…F off, those friends who deserted me when I told them of my brain because THEY had the gall to tell me…( oh so New Agey)…that I am to blame for all the bad stuff that happens…
TRUTH IS…that physics theory about equal and opposite reaction..etc etc…that has been usurped by the Chaos Theory…
because he, the sociopath, truly believes….he never does or says anything hateful or wrong…and truly believes he is innocent of everything…though he has done…and I have watched him do me and others..the most heinous things….and when he is face with me telling him how wrong those things are…he sees no wrong in them at all. Like when he `accidentally` hit a girl on the head with a huge steel lock because she was too rude to get out of the way on the sidewalk….BUT MY POINT, ( AND , no I do not hang out with him anymore…a cousin , btw)….
is lets not lie to ourselves about feeling negative, grieving, being angry
lets not turn it inward to depression nor outward towards others
let us feel it as much as it hurts
AND give ourselves a limit on how long…
Martina says
Thank you for sharing! I support you and wish you LUCK on your road. All my life from childhood I had very bad living conditions, situations or disease (like cancer) I felt like unhappy girl in the world. I always needed to struggle. I do not have a husband, children or even a job right now for which I can say I am lucky, but I do realise as you did that still it must be a luck in all the things I do got. I am alive and I do know a lot of friends who died from cancer even 10 years after. Although I suffer from consequence of cancer treatment, it must be a luck that I am alive. It’s a chance. Every day is a chance that luck will turn and that this time will be positive outcome! I can say that every change small or big make a big positive turn in our lives. Let that be an advice to all! I took a trip to live alone in another country ( I am from Europe) and it gets terrible wrong it even cost me a health. It least 4 years, but it changed everything in me. This year I came back and first time in my life it seems I am making right choices CAUSE I AM MAKING A CHOICE and not others. Small stuff,every day. But I dont feel so much being a victim,bullied,unhappy and depressive as before. I am surly thankful for so much in the Past and now. Travilng is a great change. But also a smaller ones. Change a haircut, a diet, learn new language,change a habit, songs that u listen, people that u see,time when you go to bad,so many things… but something big as Solo Trip is an instant change so it may hurt a bit,but you will never be the same after 🙂
Thanks to author for an article!
Stephen says
Exactly! If someone breaks into your house you just gonna think positive thoughts like “nobody is here” and they just magically disappear? Highly doubt it, you just blind yourself from reality and leave yourself vulnerable.
Sadly despite recognizing this and keep pushing full steam ahead shit still happens every day it seems, I don’t even have to leave the house or do anything at all and s**t F’s up then even. I’ve had bad luck/karma all my life basically but especially the last 10 years and it keeps getting worse, I’m beginning to get exhausted.
David says
40 bucks taken out of my account today too unexpectedly…that’s all I had…smh…
Red says
… and I thought “ I “ had bad luck!!! I was a pirate in the 1600s. That rules me out as having been anybody cool like Blackbeard. He was active back in the early 1700s.
No, I had family in Italy and in England. I remember how much we all HATED the British Royal Crown. The term “royal pain” came from that. In Italy, things were somewhat more tolerable. At least in Italy, the “ big wigs” ( that term came from Britain and described the rulers and authorities of that day, who along with “polite society”, would go around kicking down the doors of the poor for failing to pay the high taxes levied against them. They all wore white wool perri-wigs. ) were less “toxic.” As kids, we all dreamed of going out onto the high seas. The high seas were viewed as the ultimate escape from tyrannical rule. Today, outer space would be viewed that way, but we’re a long way away from being able to fly off in little personal-sized saucers!!!
Anyway, I remember being a wild eyed kid. Awkward, tall and I must have been enormously strong, as I remember always breaking things with my hands. I wish I was that strong today! Anyway, we neighborhood kids would hang out near pubs along the seaports and we would hear the tales of adventure told by sea captains, sailors and pirates. I remember sensing love, freedom and adventure could be found in those sparkling blue waters.
Naturally, I grew and became broad shouldered and toweringly tall. I remember a fence near an apricot tree, and me now towering over the top of that fence, which used to be way taller than me. In fact, that fence was nearly 6 feet tall.
All too soon, I grew up and joined the British Navy. Then, I became a man who hunted lawbreakers. I then went completely rogue. I quit shaving my beard because I got sick and tired of my face always hurting afterward.
I remember something about pillaging a village someplace in I believe to be Africa. I remember being with a group of men who killed some medicine man’s family, and being horrified at what those men ( one of whom I remember being violent and mentally unstable ) had DONE!!! I remember saying to my soon to be partner in crime ….” my god man, what have we DONE?!!?” My then mentor just looked at me regretfully and said ….. “It’s too bad ….. too bad… “
But I remember the father of that family cursing us ALL just before he died!!!
We all seemed to die in horrible ways following that! Most of us ended up being beheaded ( either we were hung, or our heads got chopped off by guilotine ( I don’t know how to spell that, sorry ).
I’ve lived a number of lives since then. All of them ending with me dying young and tragically!!! Now, I still seem to be cursed with very bad ( DANGEROUSLY bad ) luck. One thing that has helped to minimize my curse is orgonite. It’s not very hard to make, and it does seem to mitigate the effects of curses. You might want to buy some first, that way it hopefully won’t be sabotaged.
In my past life, I was a big towering prick who loved scaring people. I used to call them “stupidstitious churchers!!!” I even often lit my beard on fire ( of all the stupid things to do ) in the name of theatrics! )
One must be careful how he or she lives his or her life!!! Do harm, and it will find its way back to you!!!
Edith says
I really feel for you – you’ve been through the wars .
I can relate to what you’re going through.
Confirmed by my a family member in a roundabout way as i believe that they’re punished if they reveal anything to a “non-believer”.
I like to think of myself as a Christian but l can’t help wondering if some people put a “mozz” or whatever out of ignorance or spitefulness.
Eg my sisters all married well, had children, ftiends & wanted for nothing. I always felt that i didn’t “belong” in my family .
After decades of feeling like a reject, unlucky, broke, confused, angry, friendless, moneyless & faithless.
I began to reaise that something spiritual was afoot & not in a good way.
I began to remember little things in my childhood etc & began to realise that they were not “normal”.
I felt “wrong” in every way & was full of self loathing. I now realise that my secretive sisters believe in Magick/Wicca whatever. They were not supportive or loving – cold ,blaming, analytical & narcissistic.
Whilst a LITTLE bit of narcissism is healthy, a lot isn’t. They were also arrogant & ignorant & overly confident. I believe a hallmark of evil.
I now realise that they did witchcraft on me as I began to remember the psychic attacks that were something that can’t even be described. Of course they deny everything, l hope one day l can write a post to help others overcome this as I’m not quite there.
Prayer was/is something that helps me now .
I believe that this world is a testing place – bloody hard at times. Also depends on the company you keep as evil blinds people to what they do to others. There is a saying that as s Christian we should pray for the enemy so they wake up to themselves etc. Some conveniently believe in “manifestation” (the end justifies the means ?- convenient. Some don’t believe that they’ll be punished at all for the evil that they do ! What makes tgem think they’re so special ?Want some inspiration – look up near death experiences Good luck & God Bless fellow travellers x
Puglight says
That’s really bad. I feel for you. I’m a victim of progressively bad situations, misfortunes, and….I don’t want to further jinx myself. The Universe has a way of beating people down worse then people beat others down, and it’s a definite phenomenon not just somebody’s lacking or misjudging, or failure in thinking or planning, or “thinking positive.” I attract trouble and bad experiences wherever I go, and the good ones seem to be getting fewer and fewer, and I don’t know what it’s like to feel that you have to live in a constant state of defensive fear. Among the things that you listed here that you tried I don’t know what else there is. There has to be a solution or answer to it though. Don’t give up.
Ashanti says
I fully can agree. Thank you for sharing
A Merican says
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Winston Churchill
Kathryn says
It’s very hard when things are always happening one minute can be normal next minute I am getting screwed over by work . I lost both my parents within 14 months to cancer had to watch them die. I feel stressed and upset myself and anytime I feel ok something just comes to hot me in the face. Feels like why should you be happy I have had loads of shit jobs which I have been treated badly for . Other people are winning over me continually . I feel low permanently but cant afford to go on the sick . I just dont know what to do am really sad .
Else says
I will pray for you. This year alone, l was in a car accident, had a nasty dispute with a neighbor, lost my job, lost my dog late ladt year, left a partner i was told who in a spiritual way would try & wreak revenge. Been lonely, bored ,depressed l do believe that the ex has a lot to do with my misery, even though he’s done good things too, when he’s a little drunk he told me he doesn’t know WHY he does bad – he just “does” it – sound like he’s being manipulated by evil ?
Whilst I know prayer has helped me leave him, i should probably cut contact completely for a good while as i feel he’s still sucking the life out of me.
It’s important to remember even though we sometimes feel our prayers are falling on deaf ears, they are being heard.
Nature is a good place too to regenerate & feel spiritual .& we all get good & bad days & bad things do happen l am in the process of trying to determine exactly what is “normal”as it is unreasonable to feel like we should never have bad things happen to us . The rotten feelings i can do without – sometimes i feel that they’re worse! !!
Keith says
Well, I’m at a point where I have to choose to wait for God patiently or put Him to one side and do what I have to do on my own. Here’s the thing;’ if I choose to wait for God I could end up worse off if He doesn’t show, and if I go under my own steam I will prove to God how faithless I am. You see my dilemma? I would rather God answer my prayers and thus be happy and joyful, than to go it on my own and not have the best it could be. You see I don’t have a choice. Our home is being sold under our feet after 16 years a tenant. We have no choice but to move. I’m 76 and my wife is 72 so you can see this isn’t a move of convenience. That’s where we are right now. Disobey God and go it without Him, or wait in the hope He is a last minute God who saves us from disaster. It isn’t an easy choice when your faith is brought into question. It isn’t funny believe me.
niko says
My friend there once was a man who fell over board into the ocean and was left behind. He prayed to God to save him. A another boat came & he declined saying God will save me. Then a helicopter came & he said no God will save me. He drowns. In Heaven he asked God why did you not save me????? GOD said I sent a boat & helicopter what more did you want?????
Red says
When spirits enter into this uncertain world to be incarnated and REincarnated, they know damn well they are entering into a world of highly sketchy territories!!! Sometimes, they incarnate ( or REincarnate ) and find themselves with brains that can’t even be switched on!!! “OH NOOOO!!” they scream!!! Those people ended up being human vegetables.
Other people end up not being able to understand why it is so difficult for them to “learn.” Learning was EASY for them in their past lives, and, just like me, they somehow “remember” that. But sadly, that’s not the brain I have in my head, today. This brain cannot do a LOT of things that my former brain could do with ease!!! But my spirit has to work with the only computer it has been given, despite the fact that there are certain keys that don’t work on the key pad. As a result, my whole LIFE had been a long drawn out compensation process!!! I had no idea that when I re entered into this world, I would be born to alcoholic parents who would drink while conceiving me!!! MY BAD ASS F——G LUCK STRUCK ME RIGHT IN THE HEAD BEFORE I WAS EVEN BORN!!!
If, in my past life, I was INDEED Blackbeard, I am certainly still paying for my misdeeds, some 6 short incarnations LATER!!!
I know our behavior was bad, but “sheeesh!!!”
I’m no longer tall ( like I was in that life )my joints are shot, my knees are shot, I have lymphedema and re-0ccuring bouts of cellulitis, and diabetes. At least back in the colonial days, I was impressive to behold!!! I remember HATING the tall fat nose I had, but everything ELSE was awesome. I had trippy wide glaring eyes and dramatic “character” to my eyebrows. I looked like a circus “strong man.”
But I look nothing like that, now. What an unfunny JOKE this body is!!! What a joke “ I “ am compared to the person I was back then!!! I’m a damn “shrimp “ in every sense of the word!!! I was a towering Goliath in that life, but God broke me and made me PAINFULLY humble. I remember being an exceptionally LUCKY person. Not anymore!!!!!!!
julie says
I’ve already tried all of these to rid myself of my every day bad luck i live but nothing works. I’m just existing in a life of disappointments, failures, and don’t even know why I haven’t ended it already. My bad luck ranges from getting a nail in my tire but the head of the nail is on the inside of the tire which I was told by mechanic he has never seen this happen, to getting into an accident from a guy running a stop sign and the insurance company denies my claim saying I didn’t yield to them when I had the right of way with no stop sign to paying $1000 for hair extensions and she made a complete mess and within 1 week they are falling out and ruined my daughter n I’m 1st vacation then the hairdresser said she can’t do my hair anymore n wishes me the best leaving me with extensions all over in no pattern which no other hairdresser will touch as they say they have never seen such a mess and would have to start all over n she wouldn’t give my money back. I rent places to live that I can afford only to have problems at every one. I try to get a better occupation and go back to school for medical billing n coding only to not find employment as nobody will hire me with no prior billing experience no matter how hard I try. I even volunteered at a hospital with hopes of getting in and nothing. My landlord tried to fix my broken back slider door lock and hammered the frame where it would usually latch onto flat making it totally unfixable and tells me in order to fix it he would have to raise my rent considerably. I said so you make the door totally unlockable and I have to pay for it? He then says maybe its time for me to look for somewhere else to live! I’ve dealt with a leaky roof , leaky faucets, no heat for over a year , pay all my utilities, upkeep the yard which was a complete mess, now the place is riddled with mold and nothing gets done about it. I’ve called public housing and they just refer me to someone else and then they refer to someone else till the point I give up in tears. I worked for a company and I loved my job. I did everything from warranty processing n working with clients to resolve problems to setting up corporate meeting n catering them to shipping, receptionist, ordering office supplies, running errands for owner and even babysitting the owners girlfriends son so they could go away to going back to work at night to clean office suite once a week only to be blamed and fired for another girl in the office who gave out out ups number to another company we worked with and they charged over $5000 in charges. I was told because she needed the job more as she had 3 kids n lived with her mom in 55 + and I only had 1 kid and lived in a nice part of town. I was destroyed by this and soon after the company closed so all of them where out of jobs but it still doesn’t make the fact that I was done so wrong. I loved my job, loved love life doesn’t exist as my last guy whom I thought was my true love, everything I wanted in a man, was living many lives in other states and butt dialed me and I heard him having sex with a hooker. He has since died so at least he got his karma. That was 7 years ago and I haven’t had a relationship since. I have so many more bad luck stories as they occur everyday. I just cant handle it and I’m depressed every day. I wake up and immediately start crying. The only time I am not feeling sadness is when im sleeping and that is a couple of hours at night as I’m worrying all the time. If I’m able to save some money, something will happen and the money goes to that problem and I’m broke again. I got covid I think cuz I lost my sense of taste and smell. I recovered from the aches and pains but nothing smells good to me anymore and this was back in November of 2020. I have a small housecleaning business which is down to 4 clients and at the time I had to have my daughter come with me because a client said the house had animal urine smells they wanted to get rid of but I can’t smell anything so I couldn’t tell if I took care of it once I cleaned it. Of all symptoms to get I get loss of smell and my only source of income was cleaning houses and I can’t smell nothing. I am alone , no friends as I had to move across country to get away from abusive father of my daughter who said once he found me he would put a bullet in my head, my daughters head and then kill himself and just haven’t met anyone that is real and worth being friends. My best friend back home died and nobody told me. I’m completely torn up over this as she was the best person in the world and I wasn’t able to be there for her in her dying days with her struggle with cancer. I still keep going for my daughter but I’m dragging. Literally cry every day. I’m not looking for sympathy, and you haven’t even heard 1/3 of all the bad things that have happened to me. Just when will it stop? They say money can’t buy happiness but it sure would make me happier and I work 3 jobs and still have no savings, a crappy place, and never get to do anything with my daughter to create any joyful memories. I want to be happy and smile and laugh and that hasn’t happened in years, years. My face looks funny when I smile cuz I just don’t do it anymore. I don’t know what to do. Now I must go throw up as the mold makes me sick. Please someone, anyone, say a prayer things get better, or at least just give me a day without bad luck. Thank you
Ian says
thanks for this message, made living on 13th less nightmarish.
shellby white says
I think that I was in the way of blaming myself that I did not look at the big picture thank you for helping me.
Taigen Lee says
I feel the same way! By far the best article I’ve ever read! It put me in such a great place after reading.
Merri says
I’ve been “moving forward” picking myself up off the mat, practicing gratitude, helping others, praying, meditating, reading books…. Yada yada yada – and the hits just keep coming… nothing good has happened in a long time. I’ve lost my business, my home, my savings, 100’s of thousands of dollars, and the hits just keep coming. I truly don’t know how much more I can take or how many times I can get up off the mat.
Alfred James says
So sorry to hear this. How did you lose your business and home, what happened?
Ray says
Yes bad luck can happen, I define it as having unusual bouts of negative situations occurring on a regular basis. Having bad situations that most people will experience on occasion but happens repeatedly to you. I’m not talking about bad decisions. Life is like flipping a coin for some it lands on heads 7 out of 10. For others it may land on tails 7 out of 10 times. There’s a 50/50 probability but not probably that the coin flip will end 50/50 for everyone.
Alfred James says
That’s an interesting analogy, Ray. Thank you.
Chelsy Tarley says
Indeed so true!!
This article I just read literally made me put myself together after the deep mess I found myself in which I assumed it was a bad luck for the third time!!!!
I actually wanted to give up in life cause it just too much when something good eventually coming to happen in my life then the worse situations mess it all
But after reading this piece…wooh it helped me pretty good
Thanks alot 👍🏻
Alfred James says
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! It really means a lot to hear that the article helped you through such a difficult time. Life can feel overwhelming, especially when it seems like bad luck keeps getting in the way of progress, but don’t give up. You’ve already shown great strength by holding on, and I’m glad this piece gave you some encouragement. Remember, things can turn around when you least expect it. Stay strong!
Edwin Mtokoma says
This incredible, i never thought hard life could be handled the way you have explained. I’ve been going through tough times trying to forget something that keeps me going back to my past. i tell you now its gone and my life goes on now. actually i am getting stronger than ever, my journey goes on.
Thank you for this article. Life must go on no matter what because bad luck is a state of mind and not life.
Alfred James says
Hey Edwin, I’m glad this helped you out. It sounds like you are already on the road to better, more positive outcomes. Life does go on. It’s there to be lived. It’s not easy, but find the beautiful moments and cherish them.
Jerry says
We remember the bad luck more than the good things. Don’t dwell on the bad things, it’ll just make you more constipated.
Alfred James says
Ha. Indeed. Though I do have a high fiber diet.
howard says
I have been going to sleep early every day and trying to think positive when I get up every day but its been the same garbage every day for the past I’d say 58 out of 60 years
Now what?
Nimryl says
Im still lost and dont understand. How is it that I’ve been working since 1992 (5 jobs) for bullies? Ive tried all kinds of ways of trying to weed them out during interviews, changed industries and still end up with a bully boss. Ive had a professional create my resume for me. Ive read the reviews on the company’s I apply too. Currently I work for a Fortune 500 company and as big as this company is guess what? Im working for a bully. You can’t move to another department because your boss will block the transfer. Employees are crying and nobody stays longer than 6 months. Say what you want but this is bad luck to keep being in a toxic environment. So is this me? Is this my fault that bosses try to steal your work or sabotage your work because of their insecurities or set me up for failure by giving me bits and pieces of a project to complete with an unrealistic deadline? No puzzle will make a perfect picture without all of the pieces and nether will a project. So say what you want sounds like bad luck to me.
Alfred James says
Probably a mixture of bad luck and the fact that there are a lot of self-serving people in the world who’ll happily step on others to get ahead. Unfortunately, in many respects, society is set up to breed people this way.
Surb j says
Facing difficulties during your university years . Which makes you think that you have chosen the wrong field . Unwanted delays n failure coming your way and not stopping . Where as people around you who are in the same situation they are not even giving there 100% but still getting better results then you , and you on the other hand giving your 200% but getting nothing more than depression and failure . What is going wrong in this situation how to deal with it
Alfred James says
Maybe you are trying to force a pathway that you don’t really want. Is this really what you want to do with your life or is it the expectations of others? Life has a way of pushing back and trying to tell us things. Listen to your intuition. If this is really what you want to do, and something you love, then stop judging your progress against that of others. Focus on your journey. Put your all in. Do the things others aren’t prepared to do and you’ll soon see big gains.
Kathryn says
This is very true golden people like to get on and then your word against theirs even thoe you know the truth . You are told you are the liar and of course no evidence of this without tribunals or dismissal back down they will always win .
Dar says
Paul says
Your bosses are nasty creeps because that is what the job demands of them in this day and age – at least that is what they perceive is required of them and it is also why they are bosses ie those who aspire to power/status however insignificant are required to be aggressive when competing for the role and retain it aggressively also. It is the culture of the workplace that you keep finding yourself in, that is the problem. Dependent on the type of industry you work in you might want to re-evaluate remaining in that particular type of industry.
Our expectations are skewed from the start – we are conditioned to believe that hard work merits results but this is not always the case where others are involved and particularly where the state is concerned. The state sanctions many aspects of social engineering that sets the mood for the populace and this is overarchingly negative so the general trend of dissatisfaction is to be expected.
Overt authoritarianism is an immoral act! & most people don’t understand that morality is defined by life itself.
Dar says
I am a Supervisor and I treat my staff with respect so do not say that bosses have to be that way. I know a lot of them are because I have basses too and they treat me like shit and harass me and now I can’t even go to work and have been calling in sick. Do NOT say that about all bosses.
Gg says
Nimryl, I also used to find this when I worked in retail for companies who were fiercely competing financially. I still work in retail but the company I work for now does not struggle and it is a much nicer place to work. I am wondering what industry you work in because if the industry itself is quite volatile then the bosses are forced to be nasty in order to keep their own place.
I would not say this is bad luck as you have a choice to stay at this company and as you are intelligent enough to have realised the situation is bad you should leave this company. I have found happiness at work now but I have had to accept lower pay. However I have came to the conclusion that no amount of money is worth sacrificing my happiness. The more money involved the more nasty people can get.
Stephen says
The way I’m starting to look at it the way people think now is F it, be the bully. If the bullies are the ones winning give that s**t back until it’s no longer necessary. I only do when I have to but man let me tell you, about 75% of people do it seems, if not more.
Emily says
I totally agree! Why be a “nice” person, when you just get stepped on by others. I believe that people take kindness for weakness. People suck!
Emmanuel says
The only reason why i am still alive and typing this is probably because i am African, and we tend not to see suicide as an alternative. Okay, that said.
I have been applying for jobs back here in Nigeria. I am well learned and qualified. My current state of life is shameful for a 25 year old (still living with my parents). Securing a good job will almost turn my situation around, so i have tried for the past years to get one. I have written aptitudes, gone for assessments and interviews that had thousands of applicants. I have always progressed to the last phase, but i never ever get the job after that. I don’t get selected even though most of the selected applicants feel i am number one to get the job. They call or text me saying “Hey, Emmanuel, finally, company XYZ has mailed for us to resume”. They are instantly shocked when i tell them I wasn’t contacted. This has happened two notable times last year. I moved on and remained positive, but yesterday it happened again and i had a flashback of the past two events coupled with this recent one (it was really my last chance of finally getting what i deserve), and i immediately felt suicidal (but i am African). I feel dead inside, just like a walking corpse. I have been googling “bad luck” and i stumbled upon your article. I’m not sure it has helped me at all as my wounds are too deep to be cured by words alone. I have never felt so low-spirited in my life before. I feel dead. I wish i could just sleep and never wake up again in the stead of committing suicide.
Mira says
Yeah, it is exactly how I feel and what is also my situation too. They all say, take control of your life and stay positive and then you see that other people are doing well while you are left behind, and never that luck to come to your life. So, I know exactly what you feel because this article even makes me angry and even more sorrowful than I already am… to the point that this article even insults us! It is not only about the bad luck here but also the connections, corruption and the bribe. In the end, you can let go or control or stay positive, the truth is… the life for someone is Mother and for the other, Stepmother. We just have no luck no matter what we do.
Dan says
Bad luck? This is bad luck: 3 days in the row ,3 accidents . My girlfriend got 2 and one of them was mine. Mine was the first one small scratch on bumper and a little crack. , but she hit 2 cars. First accident ,she did total her car second she destroyed a bumper with my car. Four months back my work van and the tools was stolen . I found the van but not the tools. There are few more small incidents. This must be bad luck.
perer says
Those are not bad luck examples, but your own doing. Bad luck is: every time without planning ahead you try to catch the train and you miss it by 0 minutes (no pre conception of the schedule not awareness that one exists, you catch a train only to find out that other trains after yours arrive earlier, you buy a stock and for 10 days it goes down, you sell then and the stock has never dipped again. It is stupid to compare the magnitude of the matter, a job is irrelevant if you know how to sustain yourself or sell yourself, a broken leg may it be a big deal if you don’t work to begin with… the same applies about the train, etc… is it relative? …. yes, on the eyes of the beholder is very relevant…. so we can not even begin comparing one’s bad luck is worse than others…. and what about mental state???? depression or schizophrenia or chemical imbalance, etc…
So no, it is not as simple and trivial as you are trying to paint it… are you somewhat right? Sure, but you are only targeting things from your narrower angle …
Gosh… I know you are trying to do right … but don’t speak only to the 0.0001% of the population with the micro case of bad luck – that leaves the othe 99.999…% out and angrier…. Wouldn’t you agree?
Before you even try to reply …. stay mindful 😉 thank you
Velouria says
Nah. Bad luck is trying your best and doing your job very well, nothing but praise, and then getting fired for no reason. Over and over.
Bad luck is your car getting broken into twice in 2 weeks, in 2 different places, when no one else’s car was.
Bad luck is going to a doctor for meds you really need, and the doctor lying to you about the meds, saying she will give them to you and changing her story after so you don’t get them, and now you have to find another doctor, and you spent money you don’t have on nothing.
Bad luck is having your teeth break for no reason and not affording new teeth.
There are a million reasons why you might say, “Well you must have done something…” but no. I do every single thing correctly, and I am very careful. This has been going on for decades. People who are close to me literally cannot understand why things are like this for me. There must be others out there like me and i would like to talk to them.
No psychic crap, no Jesus stuff, no karma nonsense, no “positive thinking” horseshit. I’ve been positive for 25 years.
D says
I know exactly how you feel Velouria.
To be frank, I am so sick of these reading these posts, and getting so called “advice” from people who CLEARLY don’t understand…. essentially telling me that its my fault and that “I am causing myself this pain” just like the article said… why would I do that?
I try to be the MOST positive person and think through situations logically, however my will power can only last so long when bad things just keep on happening for no reason.
(Which btw, I’m not talking about mild things like “I missed my train, and my car broke”)
Im talking about things that are detrimental to the soul, and keep piling up and pushing me closer and closer to just giving up entirely.
I have no strengths, but I cannot give up for one reason only and that is my mother. After we both lost my brother (her son) to cancer, I could never put her though that kind of pain of losing a child again. I know she feels so much guilt for how things have turned out for her kids already, she could never survive if she lost me too.
Tbh Im afraid that one day when she passes, I will have no reason to live anymore and might just end it there.
So I completely relate to what you said.
I am SO sick of people feeding me false hope, so sick of the positive thinking despite feeling like I’m literally rotting on the inside.
I’m SICK of people telling me that the only reason my life has ended up this way is because I did nothing to stop it.
I was a positive kid and things just happened, and that is the reason I am the way I am. There wasn’t any negative thoughts to BEGIN with in order to attract such negativity. So how come that seems to be everyones go-to answer?????
I was NOT born with negative thoughts, therefore HOW could I POSSIBLY attract them so strongly?? Can y’all fish out another bs answer out your asses blaming me for that one too? Didn’t think so.
PS. To the one guy who said “no ones cursed”:
There couldn’t be a better word to describe this feeling other than feeling “cursed”. So to those of you who say “its not a curse.. no ones cursed”; YOU DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL ME HOW TO FEEL OR WHAT TO CALL THAT FEELING BECAUSE YOU CLEARLY ARE NOT SUFFERING THE SAME WAY, SO FEEL LUCKY AND DON’T TELL US UNLUCKY FOLKS HOW IT IS OR ISN’T.
It doesn’t mean someone literally went out their way and placed a voodoo curse on us, its the feeling that we are destined to be this way NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRY TO MOVE ON. That’s what we mean by cursed.
Anyways, I’d love to talk to someone who gets exactly how I feel too and have ourselves a little pity party. None of the people described above invited xD
So heres to reaching out, haha. >:(
Hot darn i totally agree with you guys. My beautiful mother just passed away three months ago. After she passed (well, a bit before she did) it seemed like bad luck was coming my way. Time and time again, things keep happening, yet I’m trying my best to stay “positive”. These blog posts are pretty bad because they always want you to take control. Well I sure as heck am taking control of my life, I’ve never been more responsible than after my mother passed away. But it seems like it comes in bouts too. For example, only a few days after she passed away my father told me he will remarry. Blow one. Next up, he finds a woman in a foreign country, who knows who she is. Blow number two. Then, he says they are engaged after only meeting each other in person for two weeks and only knowing for two months. Blow number three. Next up, I get a wrongful traffic ticket because a truck was in my way and i was in the intersection while the light was yellow, but the cop stopped me because I moved forward thinking I ran a red light (my car was in the intersection before it was red). Blow number four. Blow number five, I had to drive to pick up my father from his trip and then I get lost for 4 hours trying to get to the airport, in the dark, now in a country area.
Blow number six, my hard drive fails sudddently on my work computer and I lose all important files (this, i actually contribute to my fault because i really should have backed it up). But still, how unlucky can you get? What else is going to happen? I didn’t mentio nsome other things but that’s most of the gist.
Only solace I have is that after so many bad things happening, surely something good should happen. ZAnd of course lessons are learned, I guess… But not all of us who are unlucky are negative. We really do try to stay positive, much to the opposite of what some of these blog articles suggest. Just buzzwords.
Ashley says
Sorry to hear about your mother. That is truly a terrible thing to experience. I have experienced the death of a spouse and my father, and I’m only 43. However, the other things you mentioned aound like inconveniences or things you don’t approve your father doing. As people say, bad experiences are relative, but yours are so minor compared to many who have shared in the comments. Be grateful.
Corey says
Every good person goes through something it’s how we overcome it thats what defines us good or bad…No matter the raft of shit that comes our way u must grind through it …I always tell my self it could b worse …
Monica says
I feel exactly the way these ppl do,I would also like to talk to someone who doesn’t say I asked for all that I’ve been thru and still go thru!! If it weren’t for bad luck I’d have none!! It seems as if no matter how hard I try things never get better!! I watch ppl around excel,watch things get better for all around me,its hard to be happy for all these ppl,but I surely try to be happy for them!! This happens in every aspect of my life,my work my home life,my personal life!! The really sad thing is I feel I’ve passed this “bad luck” to my children. My children try and try and get knocked down,I have a son sitting in the county jail for something he didnt know,(I’m not just saying that bcuz I’m his mother,he really didnt do what hes being accused of) I have a daughter that is a single mother,she wants to work she applies for jobs,sometimes get them but they never keep her long,they say she isnt catching on fast enough!! And when that happens she gets so upset and discouraged!! There is my job,I’ve busted my ass for this company,I work in a store,the manager that had hired me was fired at my home store,I assumed I would of been asked to take her position,I wasnt! The owner took a girl from another store that was only with our company for 6mths and made her manager at my home store!! I’ve been doing inventory for the stores for a few years now,so I do visit my store once in awhile it kills me,I watch employees within this company get away with murder,meanwhile my daughter was pregnant,it was a Friday I finally got a weekend off. Which was the first in I cant tell u how long,so I get a call Friday asking if I could fill in at my home store on Saturday I said sure,guess what my daughter goes into labor,so I call the store and say listen my daughter is in labor I’m not gonna make it,later that evening I get this long text from my 23 yr old boss telling me that I’m suspended for a week without a pay to decide if I want to work or not!! Are u kidding me? I worked for this company for years never missed work never called off,always went in when I was called last min,the very first time I called off was when my boyfriend of 9 years was killed in a fatal car accident!! I’ve been so lost ever since his passing!! So let me just say this I sure in the hell didn’t ask for this! My boyfriend died in August 2017,my aunt that helped raise me died in Sept 2017,my uncle that I was very close to died in October 2017,my cuzin in Nov 2017! Did I really ask for all that?? I dont think so!! I’m freaking cursed and am trying to figure out how to break the damn curse,i need help seriously!!
Stephen says
Yup, I don’t give up easy, I’ve just kept on full steam ahead and have almost broke out if it a couple times but get knocked down again, I keep getting back up and running right back at it. Not gonna lie though its been so much s**t the past 10 years alone that the past 3-5 months or so I’ve noticed that not only am I mentally drained and tired from all this but at times I even feel it physically, muscles aching for no reason and a physical feeling of exhaustion like I could just lay down forever. It kinda sucks because I bust my ass long and hard to reap no reward, hell even negative reward. I’ve been genuinely getting concerned lately of how much longer I will last if something doesn’t change soon, and that’s not like me.
May we all by some miracle receive some makeup-luck to make up for all this s**t lol
Ginto says
You may just be incompetent, and are doing everything wrong! Take a look in the mirror, and see, if it is not you, that is the problem here.
Gef says
I so agree ,it seems good people get the worse luck ,and bullies and selfish people do well,?I’ve worked physically hard all my life in dead end jobs hurt my back in permanent pain,had times out of work cashing in small pension to live and eat ,! iam positive thou, my next life will be better.
Red says
You ignore any and all spiritual and psychic aspects of this stuff ( you being brilliant minded are INSULTED at the mention of such possibilities!!! ), and as a result, you ignore the often spiritual root CAUSES of many misfortunes!!!
Niko says
I feel your pain.
Gary says
Hi I belive you…u just know! And it comes, weather ya can do anything about it! Crap…out come is tht you cannot see around the nxt corner. So jst dony bother…and nothing happens. I can live with tht at least.
Dar says
I understand completely. I even told my Manager that at 54 I reset to live the rest of my life at work being happy as I had a terrible childhood due to alcohol and horrible abuse towards my mother due to my dad. I am such a good person but good people and telling the truth and being honest gets you NOWHERE except bullied and depressed.
Dar says
I did not already say that. I understand completely. I even told my Manager that at 54 I reset to live the rest of my life at work being happy as I had a terrible childhood due to alcohol and horrible abuse towards my mother due to my dad. I am such a good person but good people and telling the truth and being honest gets you NOWHERE except bullied and depressed.
Christopher Esposito says
I am one of those people who is very responsible, try to be positive and things just always end up bad. It is like some entity does not want me to reach my full potential, and it is not me.
Eugene says
Well,well I wish that was the case (all in the mind).strange ever thing I buy only last a few minutes to maybe a day or two ,then it breakes or stops working all to gether ,i was gambleing once (cards) we played for no money just fun i won evey single hand,soon as we layed money on the table,lose,lose lose,friend of mine said hear rub my hands,I won that round ,lost the next 5 rubbed his hands again won that round,lost every single time after that,he refused to rub my hands any more,lost 150$ ,played the lottery every day for a year ,played the same numbers,,STOP playing,next day those numbers hit ,,it would of been over HALF million dollers..and I always think positive,, sorry 54 years of it ,,even when i was younger no luck would ever come my way i never belived in cruises or witch craft ,but it even says in the bible,not practice it or talk to the dead,, i don’t ,,so as far as iam concern it does happen and it’s as real as the nose on your face,different negativity in the world does exist, the bumeda triangle, some place out west where 100 of people just disappeared,,and that is fact,not fiction,,so you keep telling your self it doest exist,,good for you, and GOD Bless everyone.
Red says
Your sarcasm is bitter and “poetic”, Eugene. I FEEL your bitterness. It is a lot like my own!!!
Highflyer says
I keep pigeons!
I have had a really bad season with my pigeons ,today was yet another day of the same thing.
I sat outside and thought about things in my life that have gone wrong and some would say bad luck.
Lack of education when I was young and struggled all through school.
Married three times and never able to get things right ,bullied at work ,which in turn changed my finances upside down after a break down. Virtego after that kept me out of work for two years and I lost my job.
Just started to get over vertigo and found I had heart problems, my pigeons…yeah I looked back and thought I must have kicked a cat in my previous life.
Velouria says
I don’t believe in karma, or negative energy attracting negative energy, I’ve had positive energy for 25 years, no matter what happens I’m still happy and hopeful. Nothing ever gets better.
Some people just aren’t meant to have certain things. You have to pack it up in a mental suitcase and shove it under the bed and forget about it. You try until you are done trying. Everyone’s threshold is different. Some might try for 10 years, some might try for 20, depending on what the situation is.
At some point you have to give up, put it away, and focus on what you are allowed to have. Can’t have a relationship, good job, new car, decent house? Learn to be OK with being alone, poor, driving a shitty car. You have to. Not everyone gets what they want, not even the little things.
Jealousy and envy can drive you crazy, believe me I know. I’m not jealous of people who have beach houses and Masaratis, I’m jealous of people who have someone to cook dinner with or take care of them when they are sick. I’m jealous of people who can afford to go to Disneyland for the day. It can consume you. You gotta fight it. You just gotta.
Edward says
I love you
Dar says
Oh my God. It has NOTHING to do with jealousy. It has to do with being hurt over and over again and abuse!!! It’s always the good people that seem to get it the worst and the ones who suffer a lot of times is because of the violence and abuse towards their mothers or themselves during childhood and continue to witness it during adulthood and continue to never be good enough, even those ARE. You should be banned from this site. You have no soul.
Christopher Esposito says
I completely relate. After all this, I am a big believer of fate. Some people are truly blessed in life with everything. I have seen the biggest losers get everything without even trying. I just will never understand it hope my next life is way better.
Rich says
We all live with bad luck I wish my bad luck was a s simple as losing a phone or losing a job or just in my head, My bad luck comes in trauma, I’ve been set on fire, brother died from wrong medication,father dies when I was a kid, two months before getting married she left., had a finger amputated, I’ve been fired and lost different jobs and I think I lost my job because of losing my finger it happen a month ago and happen at work. They want call me back or text back…At times I wish I was never born. But that’s not the answer because I’m here just dealing with life and trying to look past all that I’ve seen and felt. It’s not easy out there and bad luck will come at times in different forms. My life isn’t over an I’m not waiting for good things to come my way. I’ll keep trying to make good things happen any ways, even with bad luck. I can’t tell anybody it will get better your in control of that, for me I’ll cry I’ll scream and I’ll pray it get’s better. Because bad luck will not control my life ….In my dream world I’m have more money than I can spend or I’m Tom Brady or the pretties women in the world but I wasn’t that lucky. The cards I was dealt, you’d ask for a do over, I got pocket jokers and they aren’t even in the game.
When the world becomes fair, I’ll stop dreaming,That’s all I have left……
Alison says
Has anyone’s lives here gotten better since? I totally feel your pain guys. I’m starting to think is itv destiny am I just supposed to be the one unlucky one or is there something wrong with me? My sisters have kids and husbands/partners, good jobs, houses. Everything and they do nothing but complain!! One partner abducted me and bet me for days on end, until I finally got away, the next one died in a car accident, I met a nice guy after it as I was so all over the place and waited four years madly in love with him hoping for marriage only for him to tell me 4 years later he just said he wanted marriage but didn’t want a marriage ever but wanted kids fast forward 6 months he ended up beating me also threatening to kill me if I left I was terrified broke my confidence made me feel like the ugliest person that was ever made like no one else would want me. all while everyone else hadn’t these happy relationships. I then found out because of an eating disorder I suffered with that I can’t have kids which is all I i ever wanted. My only brother died in a car accident then we were so alike and close. I left work due to bone loss from anorexia as I had a breakdown after all this happening. I’ve always tried my best to pick myself up and dust myself off and give it my all to get a better life but it seems no matter what I do I end up worse off!! I would rather die than sit here with nothing and no one to talk to or even care while everyone else is so happy. Finally after YEARS of trying to keep getting back up and up I GIVE UP TRYING
MC says
The author connects so well. Each line uplofted my mood and now I’m not so depressed about the things that were bothering me just 5 minutes ago. This proves how our mind has all the power and the writer is absolutely 100% correct in letting go of shit and moving on with plans and an early start. Looking forward to all those positive things. This article shines so bright of positive vibes, sending all my good vibes to the person who wrote it.
RUTH says
A lot of strong commet there,but its okay.the thing is if you don’t want to die or commit suicide then fight to LIVE…
Annie says
When bad luck comes in waves (not just groups of 3), then life becomes exhausting. People feel like rats in a trap trying to find a way forward but getting thwarted no matter what they try. Eventually, they run out of hope and I understand why that is. Glib “think positive” doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of some peoples’ hardships.
Alfred James says
Rachel says
This is so true you have described exactly how I have been feeling for so long . I too have constantly struggled with bad luck i live in fear of what might happen next .
Paila says
Totally…especially when each incident is something most people would never experience in a lifetime but I get those extreme situations one after the other after the other, .it wears you down, until you expect nothing else. These days I exist not live as I feel I’m only here to be tortured by constant battles and extremely hard negative situations. Be nice to have a break where it’s peaceful and things leave me alone for a while.
D says
I have tried everything I I can think of not to believe bad luck just seems to be my destiny in life. I always think of other ppl. I help ppl who have never helped me, more than once. I try to stay positive and all for what? Just to have life keep smacking me in the dam face? I tired. I hope I go to sleep one night, and never wake up.
Liz says
I feel the same. I try SO hard to be a good person, but things constantly are happening to me out of my control.
Liz says
I don’t know where to start. Most recently my car has been rear ended and totaled TWICE in less than 2 years. Flushing over $10k down the toilet plus a lifetime of neck and back pain.
Before the age of 60, both of my parents have had heard attacks, my mom had a stroke, and my dad has stage 4 cancer.
Now my father in law has stage 4 cancer.
I suffer from depression anxiety and most recently diagnosed cyclothymia which explains tempermental issues that have gotten me in trouble and ruined over half a dozen relationships (friendships). Was not given the proper medication for about 12 years.
I have horrible dermititis and develop horrible rashes. I have thyroid issues that affect my daily life.
Most of this has happened within the last decade or so. I’m convinced I’m unlucky and continuously feel like a bad person. I am a Christian and try to use my faith to help me understand this but I know no one who has a life like mine.
Thomas says
Meet the other one. I have no family. All dead. My first wife the love of my life, raped and murdered within 6 months. In the past year alone, 3 vehicles gone to hell. One am driving now breaks down once a week. House with all means of making a living burnt to ground last Sept. And now. Now I’ve lost my best friend. My one happy thought. Oh there’s about to be changes alright. It’s time to settle scores. I don’t gaf about karma. To late for that. Gonna be blood if I can’t find her today. The powers that be be damned. I’ve been cursed all my life.
Steven says
Yet another BS self help article. Honestly bad luck is a very real mathematical inevitability and it relates to probability .Quite frankly some people’s luck just simply sucks. Some people have fantastic luck, many people have their luck somewhere in the middle where it is super great some days and super awful other days, and some people have generally the worst case scenario kind of luck. That being said, this article is insulting to those who are unfortunate in every way imaginable. You can’t fix bad luck with positive thinking, if that were true, the one percent successful people would be more like 75% of people or more. LETS JUST THINK SUPER POSITIVE AND THAT WILL SOLVE ALL LUCK RELATED PROBLEMS! See how silly this sounds. Sure some luck is based on what the person does, because they either made good decisions or poor decisions, but most luck is just literally probability.
Alfred James says
And yet another person who clearly didn’t read the article and had already decided that it suited their opposing narrative and headed straight for the comments section. You have no idea of the bad luck I’ve experienced in the last 4 months. I won’t detail it all, but a couple of things: both my parents have been diagnosed with cancer, and I lost my job.
But every word in this article still stands true.
I’m not going to allow the anxiety and the fear to control me and sink me into depression/anger. I know from experience that thinking negativity and blaming the past, everyone else and yourself only leads to further mental suffering and negativity in your life. Instead I’ll do what I can to work on my mindset, to stay strong for my parents and read as much as I can to help them, carry on being a reliable husband and father, and take any work I can to stay afloat.
There are people way more unfortunate than me, or who have been previously; that’s always the lesson. But here’s the thing: many of them are thriving and doing really positive things with their lives.
Of course there are factors we can’t control. But choices and actions matter. Keep doing the same things over and over again and you can expect the same results. I expect positive things to happen, I believe I can make changes and decisions that will lead me to a better place – and it is usually the case.
Ditch negative people, get out of destructive relationships, combat negative thinking, increase your expectations, organise yourself properly, do the research, get up an hour earlier, study harder, train longer, whatever it takes. These things matter.
And if more bad luck comes my way, I’ll still keep going…What else is there to do?
Sure, there are undoubtedly points where life just isn’t worth living, but very few people are unlucky enough to reach that point before a ripe age – and I sympathize with those who do and can’t be sure how I’d react at that point. And that’s the point here: I’m not trying to insult anyone, or belittle anyone’s situation, but rather help people get up from the canvas and come out fighting.
It’s not about just sitting down and thinking positively, it’s about taking positive action.
Thomas says
I’ve never allowed anything. Yet it’s always there. Waiting for you to think it’s not. And it’ll hit. These articles don’t do anything. Oh, I imagine they might help a few but if they truly have the bad luck lives some of us had it’s false hope.
Alfred James says
I agree. But what are the options? Battle on, take a new path and find a way to carve out an existence you are relatively happy with, or give up now?
A Merican says
I agree 100% Steven
Oscar says
Very true I totally agree with you. I have a friend that wins on slot machines all the time($20,000 yr) and one time he found $80,000 just off a freeway exit on the ground. I’m the opposite of him my hard earned money keeps on getting away from me even when I try to make good decisions. so I totally believe that this good and bad luck shit is totally part of our destiny. I don’t give a f if I go to hell after life on earth, this was hell for me for different reasons.
Raver says
I started a new job then 4 days later I was accused of doing something I would never do, just got the call that they do not want to continue employment. I was in extreme pain for a week and was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease because an std an ex gave me came back.
Alp says
The article was obviously written in very good intentions however life doesn’t work that way. You’re not unlucky because you’re attached to the past. You get attached to the past because you’re unlucky. Life has a plan, you may call it karma or fate or X. No matter how hard you try you’ll never be able to beat it. Better admit it and try to live the rest of your life with minimum damage to people around you. My life has been a like terrible movie and I’m doing my best to watch till the end….
Tsj says
Same boat here. Watching this human horror film, in which I am the star, unfold.
Dorothy says
For a month now I have had a string of unfortunate events happening. My rear car window blew out from heat, hit a pallet that flew out of a truck in the rental car, my retirement was sent to the address The paperwork was returned because they said it was the wrong address…spent hours in the phone trying to find out the correct address to send it to. My insurance took weeks to get my medication approved, I can only take name brand. Lexapro. I went almost 2 weeks without it and went through withdrawals. It took over a month to get the glass for my car. Returned rental car and the mime I git in my car the plastic holder for my rear ac and video player broke loose and is hanging. My toilet insides broke. My passport was returned because the picture was not correct. I was laid off and money is tight and at 62 U have sent hundred of resumes for which I am more than qualified. I have spent 6 1/2 years trying to get visitation with my grandkids. Postponed constantly. I am a positive person. People always talk about what a happy fun person I am. People comments are “you just can’t catch a break. Everyday is a new problem, even my friends are like Wow. Had my car appraised, I will owe would still owe $5000 on it. I keep thinking things are going to get better but at this point they are not. I did not bring this in my self. I am at a loss. Cannot understand.
Elaine Taff says
if only it was that easy.
Maria says
I don’t know what to do. If I start writing I don’t know how long it will take me. But from child hood to adult hood it’s been hard labour only God knows. Friends forget me so easily, even my good deeds are forgotten easily, money hardly meet money in my pocket, still challenges keep coming , I live with grate hope but sometimes I feel like am just fooling my self , by having such hopes. But in all I put my self to God. Thanks for the article
Melanie says
Great article, I try to use tho proactive approach to attracting positivity it seems to be effective most of the time !! Elon Musk (one of the most successful and innovative guys out there right now IMHO)also has this similar approach as viewing “failures” with his new products as just steps on the pathway to a successful outcome.He said they will even factor this into the timeline of a product launch. When they put out a new design: production/ whatever he says six times out of ten it won’t work the way they expect, so the attempts are just stepping stones to the eventual success of the product. I love this positive outlook so that even if it doesn’t turn out the first several times the eventual success is always reached! You could apply this to any thing you want to accomplish in life; ie that failure is just a learning tool on the path to your inevitable success, you just have to keep at it! I wrote something similar to this with a little different slant on my blog- please check it out if you’re interested! Thanks!
Alfred James says
Absolutely. It’s the only way you can think, or you just give up – usually way to early before you see signs of success. I’ll check out your post! Thanks.
Jordan says
I just lost a huge amount of money that I’ve been saving it for 2 years cause my business was going pretty bad. Ever since I started doing something on my own and not working for someone else bad luck just keeps coming and I don’t know how to deal with it I hope this year gonna end soon and will see hows it gonna be in the future
Deven Johnson says
Hello, my name is Deven
So 6 mnths ago I got bored an started doing browsing on superstition of salt!
An found how interesting and powerful it is but I came across this video on the internet and it said to put salt in each corner of your house to protect you from negativity and so I thought I would give it a shot an see! I mean I do believe in the pos/neg thoughts is what your outcome will be ! I did what it said to do an it actually worked , there was positive impact on everything I did whether be at work or at the home! Then I found another one of these salt videos about pouring salt in a small bag an hang it above the main door to bring money in ! I also tried it but it felt like I losing more money than I could make it! So I took it down because it felt very wrong and uncomfortable ! So I told my boss at the time what is going on, he said that he had some blessed dirt from a church or dirt pit from one of the first Catholic monk in AZ. ? An that has been about 2 months ago and now I’ve had nothing but really bad luck or poor decisions a lot here lately , no money or anything! All I was trying to do was get more money to come in an be stable! Thank you
Sheryl says
The thing is that I have already mapped out things to make things better. But I order a product to take care of something, and I will be the one who gets shipped someone else’s return (as if it is a new product.)
I am allergic to all shampoos and most soaps. There was one I could use, so naturally that company sold it’s brand name to another company that totally changed the soap, so the first time I used it hives on my scalp. However, there were still vendors on the internet offering the old version. Just in case, I wrote the vendor I was going to use and asked to confirm that they really had the old stock and not the new soap. They promised me they did, then mailed me the new soap that I was allergic to. Then they didn’t want to pay for the shipping to send it back, even though it was their mistake. Finally i got that resolved after haggling with Amazon multiple times. But I really do try to deal with problems, but if there is a defective product to try to get rid of, companies ship to me.
I’m not saying I can’t get things right with effort. I just ordered 5 anvil and blade sets for anvil loppers from Ace Hardware. I was sent 2 anvils and 3 blades. After complaining, they actually mailed me 5 complete sets. So I ended up with 7 anvils and 8 blades. I guess that could be considered lucky, except that I spend so much time having to fight for things to be corrected that I really would just prefer to get what I order.
I guess part of this is that this country is fucked up right now. Maybe part of my “bad luck” simply comes from workers who are too busy having fights with their girlfriends on FB when they are supposed to be working to be paying attention to what they are doing and from corporations who think it is more profitable to ship products out that have been returned for defects rather than actual new ones. Probably not everyone has the energy to mess with returns, which makes it more profitable to just mail them right back out.
And part of my bad luck is that my dad was a crazy hoarder who died in 2018, and I inherited his mess to clean up of Goodwill rejects and Craigslist garbage. Getting rid of metric tons of trash really is a time drain, especially when you have bad health and are having to look after a mom with MS and other fun health issues. A mom whose new house is still not equipped properly for her handicapped issues.
But the whole “things could be worse” line of shit is really annoying. My mom does that too. When I am dealing with unnecessary nonsense my Dad left us, she’s like “well at least he didn’t….” Well sure, Dad could have been a rapist, a serial killer, a pedophile, Hannibal Lecter, yada yada yada. There are no bounds when you compare things with other potential things that could be wrong. That doesn’t mean that the things you are dealing with aren’t suffocating.
But even more annoying would have been the line about just asking for help. I only browsed the end of this post, but I didn’t see that one. I have asked for help. People love to say you just need to ask for help. People are not as keen on giving help. Advice yes, help, not so much.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. I’m burned out today and feeling quite unlucky. And no, I don’t expect it to draw great karma or warm fuzzies to me venting about it. I’m just venting because searching the internet for help leads to advice about how problems are all about attitude, which is the only “help” that is readily given in this country.
Alfred James says
Hi Sheryl,
No worries, it’s good to download. That’s why I suggest writing feelings and thoughts down, particularly before bed – put them to rest and get them out of your head. It really does help.
It also helps you discover solutions, ways of maybe doing things more efficiently or solving or reducing the stress of problems. That’s why I suggest writing as a way of mapping out a future path of action at the end of the post.
I’m allergic to most deodorants and have to use natural ones without aluminum, parabens and the other nasty stuff. My wife can only use natural shampoos because the others cause itchy scalp issues.
With shampoo you need to avoid these things: methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone, formaldehyde releasers, propylene glycol, vitamin E, parabens, benzophenones, iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, and methyldibromoglutaronitrile/phenoxyethanol.
There’s many natural brands to try, see here:
Sadly, my stepmother died of MS related issues, so I know exactly how devastating and emotionally draining this disease can be.
I also have experience of a hoarder (my ex-girlfriend’s mother) and know how it can affect everyone in the family. It’s something that is hidden away and often not spoken about; as such people don’t generally understand the mental health issues behind this condition. We spent a whole day clearing stuff from my ex’s mother’s house (when she was away for the night) and we barely made a difference. The rat infestation was horrid and the house was just rotting.
Things can and will get better. Take some time out for you. Start by finding time each day to be kind to yourself, be that 20 minute’s meditation, or an hour on a hobby you love.
Sending you positive vibes.
Me says
This didn’t help and I didn’t expect a text to suddenly make things easier on me either after 30 years of abuse from life. I’m determined to end it all soon. If I was to tell you just how cursed I seem to be you wouldn’t blame me at all for that. From the second I was born I have been under attack from both life and those that should’ve looked out for me in fact. I tried very hard to make my life be worth living and was decent in it too and never hurt any living being on purpose and everything failed for me. Someone can show me how they take a box from the floor and put it on a table. I’d try to copy that insanely simple thing, but would I manage to do it? NO. In the strangest ways I will fail. The box breaks, the table breaks, I trip, something falls on me, etc. I’m out. If I’m going to keep trying for nothing just to be shut down by life and be giving life more opportunities to beat me black and blue and the psychos it puts all over me all the time and be like a tiny insect in a massive spider web constantly getting shattered before I even manage to recover from the last failures I don’t want to be here anymore trying so hard and clinging to false hopes only to torture myself more. Even if this is karma it’s not fair when I have no clue why the hell I’m being punished. If anything all that just made me a worse person since I’m very angry and am convinced that I’m a powerless loser with power complexes due to some force or whatever that I have no clue about. I might’ve been able to take more if life waited until I was equipped enough to throw the next bs at me but like how things are now, I’m out.
Vincent says
All very well and good. but what if you are dogged , plagued with “bad luck”. I can fully understand why people take the easy way out, one quiet Tuesday afternoon.
anthony holland says
i understand your pain more than most,i got to the stage where i wont socialise any more,i stopped trying to improve my life because everything i do tends to make my life worse,i truly wish that i could go back to my mums womb and sabatarge my own birth so that im not born,im stuck battling the depression and anxiety and ptsd and it feels like my mind is dead,ive had so many suicidal thoughts and the one solace that i can hold onto is that thank fuck this life is not forever becus if it was forever then i am truly fucked,i understand if there was a break to recover from the next lot of crap that it might be possible to build up the energy for the next lot but its relentless,people always out to fuck me over for there own sadistic pleasure,there are people that have looked out for me but it makes no difference my life still fucks up,one shitty thing after another,now this may sound like self pitty to some and to a degree maybe it is but i look back at my life at all the crap thats happened in my life time and time again not little things but big things,i get told look at what youve got and not at what you not got,yeah ok,i have a exhausted body and mind from a lifetime of crap to be able to enjoy what i have got,and when something comes along that could possibly make it better i dont have the strength to hold onto it,it slips out of my hands or someone knocks it out of my hands,if it is true that if a person has done wrong in there past life then they get punished in this life then i must have been a horrible cunt in my past life becus wow,i dont want to hurt anyone to which that is what will happen if i kill myself i just want to experience what so many people do and that is to be happy,i tell you what when i do die and if there is such a thing as god then i shall be having words with him or her and asking what the fuck are you playing at,why did you let me be born,i could go to see some family members at xmas but for what,to see everyone enjoying themselves to which im glad they do but then me sit there feelin like i not got the energy to even put a fake smile on anymore so ive discluded myself to not put a damper on anyones xmas,to much water under the bridge now,to much happened in my life
Mel says
This article was meaningless to me my life is in actuality much much worse than just a “ bout of bad luck”. It is truly as if someone wants me to suffer. My entire life has been nothing but a cruel joke. My father died, my first son passed away after birth, I lost my job a very very good job because my voice is to abrasive and my face makes others feel like they did something with” literally what I was told, I lost everything from that point on and no matter how much I try to dig myself out I get thrown back down “ oh your gonna think positive today hahaha yeah that’s funny my life says” here’s your dead cat, dead chicken, dead dog, death follows me everywhere. My husband just diagnosed with a terminal illness…. what I have goes beyond bad luck.. I am being punished for a past life or I have a goddamn curse on me but bad luck that’s a joke
Graham says
I’m with you, theres bad luck and then there are curses, I believe you!
Tsj says
I’m with you here. It’s the beginning of the end for me. This whole “think positive” trash these people post would be funny if it wasn’t so asinine.
Alfred James says
Don’t just think positive, take action. Because what’s the alternative? Think negatively? Be bitter? That only spirals one way. If you still have a fighting chance then you have to take the odds.
Kaev says
It happens every day to this guy
Graham says
I’ve had so much bad luck, I’ve tried to tell myself this, that it’s all in my head, its relative, think positive and positive will happen. Nothing works, if you lived my life you’d understand, even the people in my life are cursed, my dad killed himself, all amulets (5) died in extreme pain and suffering, as does everyone that dies in my family or that are close to me, I’ve lost 11 friends in tragic horrible circumstances. Honestly you have no idea, I pray ome day the curse will leave me. I feel like I know where it came from too. But good luck with your journey guys!
sally says
it was never my intention to focus on a topic like that. i do believe in destiney. however, i do suffer from another problem . when i met someone and talks about something bad that happen to him or her, i find myslef confronting the same problem even do i never had it or thought abt it before. i do not expect none of it. it happpened so many times that i m sick of it. does anyone have an explanation to this?
Sarana says
I have had lots of bad things happen. I survived an alcoholic first husband even though he tried to murder me. I finally managed to run away with my sons (they have turned out to be great boys…kind hearted, gentle, hard working).
I survived poverty, nearly being made homeless.
I had 2 long illnesses (not cancer) it took 2 years to diagnose the second one and I lost over 12 stone in the process until surgery and recovery.
I survived a house fire….woke in the night, grabbed my dog and escaped (I lived alone then). I would have been homeless but, for house insurance…they paid for hotel then rented property and for the repairs. That same year it was my third piece of bad luck….January 2015 my beloved German Shepherd died in my arms at home, she was not even ill. In July 2015 my best friend of 21 years who I had been a career for for 17 years passed away from a non cancerous slow growing brain tumour. She had a seizure, fell from her stairlift and I found her barely alive. After being on life support for a week I had to make the decision to switch it off because non of her family cared enough to bother with her for 10 years because she ran out of money to give them…so very sad!!!!
September 2015 was the house fire.
Since then I have returned to my house.
At the time of the fire my only thought was that I woke and was able to escape with my dog. I didn’t care about anything in the house. Me and my dog were the only important things and we survived.
In the last couple of years I have bee suffering foot pain and after many appointments and trying all the things the doctors told me to do I am on the waiting list for surgery…which should alleviate a lot of the pain. While this sounds negative it isn’t really because I carry on. I now have three dogs and they keep me going, exercise, play and they give lots of love. I struggle a bit at work but, my employer has given me an adapted desk and a special chair and made allowances for my not being able to stand for long periods of time for floor walking nor for travelling to another location to work. So, this too is positive.
I do my beat not to think negative thoughts though sometimes I do but, I try to move on from them.
It took me so many years to deal with watching my mother almost murdered in front of me when I was three and it wasn’t until just before my dad died that I was told (by him) thank you for saving your mother….what he meant was when my mother’s attacker knocked her to the ground and was sat across her stomach with his hands round her throat shouting “I’m going to kill you” over and over I hit him with the rolled up magazine a few times. It distracted him and he relaxed his grip enabling my mother to push him off get up and run. He never tried to harm me just stared at me. I then ran too. The police caught him but, did not prosecute as he was an escapee from one of the local mental health facilities, of which there were 5 in our town at the time. My mother never spoke about this after it happened and she could not bare to be around me as it reminded her of what happened. I grew up with this in the depths of my mind from 1967 until my dad told me in 2008 that I had saved my mother from being murdered. So I finally managed to deal with this and move on.
Though my life is far from perfect and I am scraping a living, struggling to pay my bills I now look forward and don’t relive the past anymore. To me what is done is done and anything that now happens I deal with and move on. Okay I am not showered with riches, nor do I have the perfect life (not reality really) but, for me I just keep going and hope for the future to get better.
I know that for some people it is difficult and many will have a life far worse than mine. I try to help people where I can nowadays both at work and in personal life however, I do make sure I have time for me these days.
Kurt says
I came across this article at the moment I needed it most and just wanted to say Thankyou for helping me pick myself up off the ground.
Alfred James says
You are most welcome.
Jasmine M says
My car has been hit four times in separate occasions parked on my street. Each time the damage has been over £3k to fix. No witness no notes left by the 3rd party! I cant believe my bad luck! I even parked in different areas on the street but still my car is the one that gets smashed/Hit. None of the other cars on my road has been hit once let alone four times! Why is this happening to me? Why my car? Ive had enough i just want to be car-less so i don’t have to go through the stress and financial burden of fixing it. Its Unbelievable! Makes me depressed i just cant understand why its happening. I am a good driver and very carful but when its parked theres nothing i can do to avoid this happening.
Jasmine M says
May i add its not vandalism its actually damage from other cars either hitting my car from behind/ door panes dented and scratched/ front bumper ripped off from impact then dragged off or left hanging, at one point my car moved 2 parked spaces from the impact of being hit so hard from behind.
Anonymous says
Very bad luck for many of us men trying to find love nowadays, especially since most women now that have their very high standards along with a lot of very high unrealistic expectations too. Most women in the past were nothing at all like today, which is why finding love was very easy back then. Most women today are very pathetic, and they need to just get a bunch of cats and grow very old all alone with them.
Kusum says
I always struggle. Nothing comes easy to me. I see people getting success like a cakewalk but for me, it saps all my energy and will power. Your article helped me because resonated with me. What I am going through. I do not see any end to my bad luck. It is now part of my life. It is how my life has been written. But it was good to read an article that talked about feelings that I go through. thanks.
Alfred James says
Hang in there Kusum. Keep pushing forward and believe in yourself. Good things are going to come your way.
Abigail W says
My life is very similar. I work very hard, try to make the right decisions, and nothing goes well. I have not been lucky in life. I never found a partner. I’ve never been able to buy a home. I took some risks and sacrificed to make life better, and it all wasn’t worth it.
Now it’s my health. Just had to deal with heart issues, and something was seen on MRI that was an extra finding. I have a spinal stenosis. Not good. Now I have to deal with this. I feel terrorized in my body. It seems something is always going wrong, and I live in a healthy way. I don’t drink or smoke. I take care of myself. I guess one could say it’s just my genes, but I feel it’s bad luck, because I don’t know anyone who is dealing with this. It’s truly bad luck. I’m just broken. Positive thinking is just wishing and it’s too bad we just can’t wish ourselves good luck.
Rakesh says
Thanks for putting theses words. Thanks again for not speaking spiritually and making believing of Karmas or god or something else. We all know that we just have to wake up and move the floor and action with enough dedication, research and commitment. But sometimes we need external forces like you or some medium to say us Wake up this is the direction you are supposed to take and correct us.
Alfred James says
It’s so true Raskesh; sometimes we need to hear the advice we already know from someone else to help push us forward. I’m glad you found it useful.
Tania says
Anyone else believe in generational curses? It seems like some of us have it. I was born into a happy average income earning family in Beirut Lebanon. My mother came from a broken family and my father came from poverty (Armenians from the diaspora during genocide) but they both managed to give us a happy life until october 1994 my father aged 49 died from a heart attack and ever since then every bad luck you can think of has plagued us. We were 4 siblings, me the youngest, 11 years between the 3rd child and I, my mother calls me her miracle child but in reality our lives have been nothing close to a miracle. Everything we ever had or strived for was met with so much pushback and devastation one can only wonder what evil powers are at play here! To those of you saying When you talk no one listens, I FEEL YOU, I HEAR YOU, I UNDERSTAND YOU. Same boat, same struggles. It always seems like in any situation if there is a possibility of a shitty outcome, it will find me. The bad karma for me is instant…………waiting for the day I see the light at the end of that tunnel.
Alfred James says
What if you could break the “curse”? What if you could be the one to break out and find peace and happiness?
hugh says
I have been positive all my life, I’m 38 married and 2 kids and I have nothing much to show for it. I’ve been sincere and hardworking but all things are vanities. I lost my last job after i had been promotion to a supervisor level and was in line for another promotion and transfer from a Mine to the HQ. my crime was catching a thief and recovering the loot! That was end of 2016 and up to now haven’t had a positive breakthrough in getting a job. I do stay hopeful positive but as i say, odds are against. maybe ill get a job here….
Alfred James says
You have two kids and a hell of a lot of life experience to share with them and others in the world. That counts for a lot. Hang in there, keep moving forward, one step at a time. Be strong for your kids and let their spirit motivate you to be the best you can. Something good is coming your way. I just know it is.
Jay says
For the men and women out there nowadays that are married with a family, you should really consider yourselves very lucky and blessed since you have each other and your children to share your life with. Many of us single men have been very Cursed with singleness by God unfortunately, and many of us men would had certainly wanted that as well. Being single and alone for many of us is really No fun at all.
JJ says
I am now almost 70 years old. I have studied bad luck and I can tell you that we are born with a tendency for events (bad and good luck). The Chinese Zodiac seems to be the most accurate predictor I have found and it is not 100%, just an indicator. Per the Chinese Zodiac I am a Rabbit and one of my bad luck numbers is 7. The worst years of my life have been 21, 28 35 and 63, all divisions of 7. I have several examples of 7 being bad luck for me. I never believed in any of the stuff before 3 years ago. I now bereave it is where, when and who you are born to that determines most of your life. You can change some of your luck by avoiding pitfalls-dangerous situations and people. However we are mostly screwed. Positive thinking has a vary negative result on me.
Chris says
JJ, I can empathize. We almost have to do things in a custom way completely different than others just to be able to have a content and peaceful time. I’m sending you positive vibes that thing change for the better for you. Good luck. 🙂
Chris says
People who write articles are books about bad luck probably haven’t truly experienced bad luck themselves. If comments are made with generalisms such as ” we all go through bad times” or “we all have bad days and rough patches” – besides making me laugh and shake my head, then the author hasn’t truly experienced what bad luck is. The truth is, no one has figured out padlock. It is very complex, multi buried and sometimes it doesn’t come down to behavior. If someone is always trying to make the right choices, always trying to learn from mistakes, and always trying to pick themselves up from being let down or had gone through bad circumstances, and they STILL have bad luck…..well, no human being is going to be able to explain that. At least for now.
Alfred James says
Probably is a bit of a stretch. Some, perhaps, but many have been.
Karen Holcomb says
Welp, I actually read every single one of these responses and not a single one compares. I am absolutely in a state of complete and total despair. Consistently for life, but we’ll discuss the past 4 years of heartbreaking events followed by believing things will be ok and then right back into despair. None of which have I had any control over whatsoever. Senseless to put anything here as it would just be regurgitating again for nobody to see anyway. I think my mother cursed me before she died. That is all. Have a nice day.
Mike says
I am in believe that im cursed or I am the 2021 JOB. Wife gets in a accident in my car without a license dui and next thing child services are here local PD to pass the news and since tbey found my now ex wives wine bottle and dirty dishes the battle starts. Mind u 2019 my son 10 weeks old dies suddenly and 2017 divorce of my 1st marriage. So ar the time here my wife is to blame out of it and next thing I know she turns narcissistic and gets me in trouble to lose my kid me and her break up, I end ip losing my car, up next get called in the office due to I have been mulping and complaining to co workers who ask what’s wrong tell em and lost my promotion and 45K a year more in my salary then she moves out with our 8 month old child services says I cant see her and they stay at hotel for a week. Saturday rolls around a co worker running her mouth and with all my shit going on I snapped at her now im getting fired. SO is it im job or what is wrong
Vity says
It may be mindset it may be real or not I don’t know but everyday I try to motivate myself with good attitude and positivity but it won’t work , my family issues is going on for long but positive response on work always holded me strong but now a days I am loosing a grip of my job too no matter how hard I am trying to stay positive try different but it won’t work to get my job done … I had left 3 jobs before this is my 4 th and I totally want to grow in this business but again the same bad luck running over me at achievements … Since Feb month I started believe luck does matters no matter what you do
Alfred James says
Do these jobs make you happy, though? Are these jobs what you really want out of life or are you trying? Perhaps you need to reassess where you are and where you want to get to. When you are on the right path and following your intuition things tend to fall into place. Of course, there’s always down days and some bad luck along the way, but once you feel like you’re heading in the right direction better opportunities tend to arise. All the best.
Sue says
I CAN HONESTLY SAY. I’ve whole heartily been positive worked over and over to become a better person. Worked so hard to better my life. I’ve invested my time my health . I’ve told myself things will get better over and over. I’ve encouraged others for there new set of careers goals. I’ve been a support for others. I’ve gone out of my way to help people. I’ve studied for job interviews. Stayed up nights to make sure I’m prepared. But still I don’t get the job. When covid came around I lost a temp job. I had been out of work for a long time. Then Finally I get a chance at a job , nothing I really wanted to do but it was a chance . But I got covid and they would not hold the job for me. I was devastated I worked so hard to find a job. It puts you in tears. Then someone who hardly puts any effort gets a job. I’ve heard it all from people who try and compare themselves to me. Or those who are harsh and say there are people worse off then you. Doesn’t make me feel better. I’m a devoted person I’m a team player but no one gives me a chance. I’ve become to terms with im not going to become anything. It gets very depressing , something im trying to avoid.
Joe says
That’s all fine and good if you aren’t homeless. 7 years and counting.
Goodqn says
Your blog is beneficial in understanding that bad luck is just a phase of time; it can’t be for a lifetime; it changes only by
keep ourselves motivated with positive quotes & we only can change our bad luck into good luck.
Gage Shuler says
Bad luck is a belief system right? Along with “good luck” when the reality is things happen undoubtably and whether those things are good or bad can be reliant on how we are expressing ourselves to the universe around us. There has to be some sort of reverse psychology at play in our deep-rooted subconscious minds that affects how our actions will unfold. Ever notice how the people who seem like everything goes right for them aren’t focusing on what’s bound to happen next? It’s like they’re swimming downstream while others with the spells of unluckiness revel in distress and try to go up river. The point I’m trying to make is I feel like if everyone with bad luck undergoing a series of unfortunate events stops pondering over what bad things are going to happen next and turn around on themselves, then you will freely go with the flow. Let whatever happens happen and good things will follow you instead of disastrous occurrences. Take more time to get a good night’s rest every night and allow your universe to unfold naturally instead of living with anxiety or fear of what could happen, because the reality is the universe wants what’s best for all humans. It is only us that cause these bad things by expecting misfortune instead of waiting for those good things to happen. Free yourself to the possibility of good fortune and watch, wait, and witness those wonderful moments to spontaneously occur in your lives. God bless everyone reading this here wishing for better lives. It will come, just be patient
Alfred James says
Beautifully put.
Mike says
I would’ve very much loved to had met the right good woman years ago to get married and have a family that i really had wanted which never happened for me, and even though i was married once which unfortunately she turned out to be a real (bleep) that i never ever knew until she was caught. And that low life loser even had the nerve to say to me that we should have an open marriage which wasn’t going to happen at all anyway. That goes to show you how many of us can really have such rotten luck since i know other guys that had it happened to them as well. It is like God gave us the lowest form of garbage women out there instead of the right good one for many of us that would’ve very much wanted to be married with a family instead of being single and alone all the time which really does suck for many of us now. And i was very faithful to my ex wife from the very beginning right up until the very end before this happened. Most women nowadays are just so very horrible to meet as it is all over again, especially the ones that are real narcissists and feminists today more than ever which makes them real total losers altogether to begin with.
I Agree says
You really nailed it completely.
kurye says
Your blog has a way of fostering a sense of community among your readership.
Alfred James says
Thank you Kurye.
Neo says
some times hearing about others bad luck helps
C says
It doesn’t work. I went full blown positive and proactive and still attracted nothing but negative energy. Working two jobs and can barely afford to live. When I think I’m on the right track I just lose money to some surprise bill. I try competitions but just sit back and watch the same people win over and over again. I try applying for new jobs and never hear anything back. I’m sorry, but how do you stay positive through it? Telling desperate people to stop being negative and things will work out is like slapping a band aid on a severed limb. I get the idea to stop believing the superstitious nonsense about bad luck, I agree with you there, but the whole “energy” thing just doesn’t exist.
Anon says
My bad luck is I was given up for adoption at birth to my adopted mom and her pedophile second husband. I didn’t find out I was adopted until I was 33 because my second adopted father had issues with my mom and told her if she didn’t tell me he was going to. He actually took it out on me. Found my birth family at 55. The parents didn’t want to meet me. My sisters barely except that I am their sister.
My mom left the father when I was 3 we were very very poor. We went from home to home. I was molested by two different people at a young age. I was bullied at school from the age of 6 to 17.
My husband was a crackhead. He used to leave me for days at a time. He lied all the time. I didn’t know he used crack until later in our marriage. He didn’t hold down a job.
I separated with him and raised our two children alone.
I had a boyfriend that didnt live with me. We saw each other for 16 years. He died 10 years ago.
My mom died 20 years ago. I barely had any help with her when she became ill.
Now my daughter is a crackhead. My daughter became and addict she has lost her children to DCF several times
She keeps having her children taken away. I had to take care of my teenage granddaughter for 8 months. DCF wouldn’t even take her to her father’s house. I’m made to feel like I have to be responsible for taking care of the whole world. It pisses me off that people make me feel this way. I currently get up at 4:50 to go to work and don’t get home until 6. I feel like I have to take care of 30 cats because no one that will take care of them wants them. My exfriend thinks I can also take care of my 1 year old granddaughter. I don’t have the time or the money for daycare. I take the bus to work and most places.Her parents are 38 and 56 she should be mad at them not me. The father is 56.
My insurance company has been after me to get minor repairs that cost a lot done or they will drop me. The fascia corners $2250. Cracks in window ledges. etc. Money I didn’t have and now Im broke for several weeks. One of my feral cats is missing for about a week. It is fixed. Im afraid it is dead.
I don’t now how my grandbaby is doing in foster care. My daughter and the father have a year to get their act together.
I have to use CPAP at night. Moderate to severe sleep apnea. I woke up choking one night. I have other health issues.
Barb says
My bad luck is I was given up for adoption at birth to my adopted mom and her pedophile second husband. I didn’t find out I was adopted until I was 33 because my second adopted father had issues with my mom and told her if she didn’t tell me he was going to. He actually took it out on me. Found my birth family at 55. The parents didn’t want to meet me. My sisters barely except that I am their sister.
My mom left the father when I was 3 we were very very poor. We went from home to home. I was molested by two different people at a young age. I was bullied at school from the age of 6 to 17.
My husband was a crackhead. He used to leave me for days at a time. He lied all the time. I didn’t know he used crack until later in our marriage. He didn’t hold down a job.
I separated with him and raised our two children alone.
I had a boyfriend that didnt live with me. We saw each other for 16 years. He died 10 years ago.
My mom died 20 years ago. I barely had any help with her when she became ill.
Now my daughter is a crackhead. My daughter became and addict she has lost her children to DCF several times
She keeps having her children taken away. I had to take care of my teenage granddaughter for 8 months. DCF wouldn’t even take her to her father’s house. I’m made to feel like I have to be responsible for taking care of the whole world. It pisses me off that people make me feel this way. I currently get up at 4:50 to go to work and don’t get home until 6. I feel like I have to take care of 30 cats because no one that will take care of them wants them. My exfriend thinks I can also take care of my 1 year old granddaughter. I don’t have the time or the money for daycare. I take the bus to work and most places.Her parents are 38 and 56 she should be mad at them not me. The father is 56.
My insurance company has been after me to get minor repairs that cost a lot done or they will drop me. The fascia corners $2250. Cracks in window ledges. etc. Money I didn’t have and now Im broke for several weeks. One of my feral cats is missing for about a week. It is fixed. Im afraid it is dead.
I don’t now how my grandbaby is doing in foster care. My daughter and the father have a year to get their act together.
I have to use CPAP at night. Moderate to severe sleep apnea. I woke up choking one night. I have other health issues.