The easiest way to explain living in the present is to start by explaining what it means to not be present, since this is the state we have become habitually used to.
When you aren’t being present you become a victim of time. Your mind is pulled into the past or the future, or both.
Your thoughts are of the past: what has been, what could have been, what you thought happened vs. what actually did happen. Or, your thoughts are of the future: what will be, what could be, what might be, if…
Of course, it’s natural to spend moments of thought in the past or in daydreams of the future. Identifying impending dangers through associations with things that have happened in the past is important for self-preservation.
But when our lives become dictated by thoughts and emotions attached to past events and potential future outcomes, standing peacefully rooted in the present becomes increasingly rare.
Our routine, our habit, is to be off in our heads somewhere mulling over negativity and struggles of the past, or becoming anxious and fearful of the future. Seldom are we fully “here”; neutrally centred to see through life’s lens with clarity and naked awareness – a state that assists us in finding contentment and understanding in ourselves.
Habits quickly become the norm and, as we know from many of life’s other vices, just because we’re used to doing something regularly doesn’t mean it is good for us, or the right way to live.
An easy way to break this habit of being a victim of time is to identify time for what it is. Time is a human concept. The watch on your wrist and the clock on the wall mean nothing to Mother Nature.
To her, life is one evolving moment – a perpetual cycle of interdependent impermanence. Time is a metric we use as a reference point for organising our lives and documenting history. It doesn’t actually exist. Really, it doesn’t. Ask a scientist.
Time is an illusion, which makes being controlled by time somewhat delusional. The past doesn’t exist and neither does the future. The only true reference point we have to this moment in time, and to this thing we label “existence”, is a feeling of presence, of being here in this body, of seeing the world through these eyes.
This is all that can exist, because this is what you feel right now. You can’t feel the past or the future, but you can feel what it feels like to touch something right now, to see something, to hear something.
The concept of time deludes us into concerning ourselves with its passing and impending arrival. This stops us enjoying this “presence” we feel. We are duped into remaining in one of two states: The first, one of dwelling in the past and mulling over what has happened. The second, one of waiting amd constantly anticipating what is to come, if and when…
For example:
– How often do you enjoy your work? Or are you too busy thinking about getting it finished by the deadline to give yourself a chance to enjoy it?
– Are you so stressed out trying to do your best work to impress your boss that you prevent yourself being able to perform at your highest potential anyway?
– Are you so distracted by thoughts of Monday morning that you spoil the time spent with your children on the weekend?
– Are you so caught up in regrets of the past that you prevent opportunity blossoming in the present?
– Are the opinions of others, formed through actions you took in the past, stopping you being who you (are) want to be in the present?
We are all unavoidably victims of time to some degree, because it has become the accepted state of norm in our fast-paced, highly motivated and highly-strung society. And for this reason it is important that we understand that to not be present is to be torn between two worlds, the past and the future, neither of which exist. To constantly reside in this state prevents us enjoying life and finding happiness.
If you allow yourself to be a victim of time – a victim of the past and a slave to a future that is yet to unravel – you will carry with you a sense of unease. You will be susceptible to stress, agitation and feel generally uncomfortable in life.
There is no redemption to be found in time.
So surrender to what is right now.
Wherever you are, commit to being there, completely. Life will take care of the rest.

Allyk says
All that was and will be is. All we need to do is breathe in the light, and there exists enlightenment.
Lakshmi Ganapathi says
Timely read for me. Thank you and it is well written.
Tushar Ghawale says
very nicely written. never read this concept of time before that because of time binding…we focus on that deadline or particular time and we think of that deadline or time until that point comes and hence during this process we forget to live in present.
I really liked this article.
Alfred James says
Thanks Tushar. We need to remember to enjoy the journey. The reward is in the steps we take. Once we reach the goal, the mind is quickly working on the next one!
ellie says
Are you the author?
Alfred James says
Yes Ellie.
Kay says
Loved that.
Tan says
Thank you! I am always living in the future. I will think of all sorts of negative scenarios that may come up in the future. It’s true. I don’t enjoy what I have now. Sometimes I wonder why do I think so much. There may be fears of what’s coming up…getting a medical report…etc..i dwell so much in imagining the bad things that I get quite depressed. Living in the moment will help. But I guess I need the courage to face what’s coming up.
Alfred James says
I understand. It’s not easy. But remember, the future doesn’t exist yet. Only ‘now’ exists. So if you constantly live in thoughts of the future, you’re essentially living in a non-reality. And we know from experience that our worries and fears very rarely come true. I know it’s hard because we are faced with so many worries and concerns, and of course it is natural to think about the future and properly prepare for our wellbeing, but try to find activities that give your mind a break and root you in the present for a while. Exercise is a great way to do that: running, a gym workout or playing a sport you enjoy. Walking in nature is great too. Listening to your favourite music, or playing music if you play an instrument. Painting, writing, or anything creative that focuses your mind on something you enjoy and fully engages you in that activity.
Ruth says
Thanks for this article.
SEW says
I am always thinking about the negative thing that have happened to me and the positive things that is going to happen. I never lived today
William Melton says
Thanks for the forthright thoughts. Living in the two has been my life. When in the moment it is easy to forget the two.They are non-exist when in the moment so I would forget their power they have.Flashes of the two are always there,even when in the moment.Still in therapy ( CBT).Meds etc.. This article has moved me along in a good way.
Steven Arecco says
Alfred, absolutely wonderful article! So beautifully written and expressed!!
It is truly everything i believe and practice, as best i can:-) I study Eckhart Tolle, Jon Kabat Zinn, Wayne Dyer & many others.
I have a youtube channel and would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to interview you! We use zoom conferencing. It will be edited before release. I would also be able to send you it and allow any edits you felt you would like prior to release.
Really hope to hear from you Alfred, as i feel our message must reach as many people as possible and as soon as possible!
Steven D. Arecco
Alfred James says
Hi Steven, thank you for your kind words. I’ll will have to graciously decline your offer for an interview as I’m not currently doing that sort of thing. Thank you for thinking of me though. I will keep an eye out for your videos and articles though.
James says
Hello Alfred James, I enjoyed your writing and I’ve been writing in this topic for some time myself and like your approach very much. We are attempting to describe what has already changed. A few questions and please email me if you want to continue this piece of art.
Can one do nothing and be living in the present? Can one be conscious of the present and see it happening while living in it ? So can we be living in the present , all in the now, and witness time moving like the wake from a ship?
Live your article and thank you for starting this thread. Abraços
Alfred James says
1. I would say yes but doing nothing is still doing something: you are still alive and breathing, thinking, existing.
2. Yes. As long as you are alive and your brain is active you will have the conscious awareness that you are a living being, that you exist in some way. You see life happening and you are a part of it.
3. Yes, but time is just an illusion. Time is not moving; only your perception that time exists causes the belief that it is moving. Mother Nature has no concept of time.
Have a great day!
Steven D. Arecco says
Thank you for the prompt reply Alfred. Hope all is well with you and your family:-)
Steven D. Arecco
Fani says
Thank you Alfred for this article, I am sure my life has been impacted positively and I would love to subscribe.
Thank you
John A. Robbins says
Now, the present moment is the time to be grateful. Because the present moment is the only time there is to be grateful.
Lilyana says
Very inspiring. Thanks so much, you just made me know how to enjoy The Now, The Present Moment.
Alfred James says
Thank you. Have a wonderful day!
Matthew Cabana says
I love the article and referenced in a continued string of thoughts that I share with folks on
“The Search For Joy”.
I keep finding more and more of it in the present moment. Shocking…
Sara Cardenas says
I love the article, i have some questions i would like to asked you, is not about me but its about my Son hes 18 years old and their something going on eith him since he git very sick and that sane date he’s different even at school and at hes work have been asking me what’s going on with him. I went to talk to the consular to explain a little of what him and i talk some time so she knows whats going on but we havent got no conclusion.. since September 15. 2019 he got home from work and start throwing up so much i asked him what happens and all he said im sick then Monday its school day he gets out from hes room and tells feeling good then i asked your going to school he daid no, then he continued to next day Tuesday September 17. 2019 then On Wednesday he foes go to school but the weather its going on and school call if we want to pick up our kids we can do it so i went to pick up my 2 kid’s then i cook they eat then he tells me im still feeling dick he throws up so much. And tells me he feels like some bags in hes stomachs and that he throws some buy he still feel some in. Then Thursday they didnt have school for the weather then Friday they did but i didnt let them ho bevause i see he was so sick and i told him im going to take you to the hospital bext day Saturfay morning and i did to Memorial Herman Hospital he tells them how hes feeling so they make en x-rey and it shiws only having a virus in hes throat and they gave him medication but they didnt see nothing of hes stomachs. So we got home. Then later he continues that hes not righttheir ither thing going on him and he doesnt want to scare me off or for me to think that hes crazy. So while having hes stomachs pains and throwing up. He was having another big issues that he doesnt know when and how it start it and while hes like that its hard for him to be at school and some times at school. After he hold me i took him back to that same hospital i asked for MRI but they didnt want to fo it so they did a CAT SCANS on hes stomachs and hes head to see what comes out he explain to one of the Doctors but seem that they dont want to deal with it so they gave me numbers yo call so they got the results and they told us hes head its perfect but hes stomachs come out thst maybe not sure he could be developed appendicitis but their were not sure so i need to take him to a primary Doctor as soon as possible so they can run more test anf about hes head i start calling but they didnt have nothing soon so as days pass and the Month. I feel i have to harry up because of all he talk to me so i took him to L.B.J Hospital and their the Doctor show alot of intrest and she sit dawn and listen to him. So after that she make him and Evaluation and she said i see you ok and your memorial it still good but for the things you saif i will give your mom a number to call and this will be for a Mental Crisis but their they will make you a better Evaluation and with them Doctors you will know whats going on. Now i will explain he havent lost hes mine and i thanks to God but even we here in present he is too but he said that everthing he vision see he already experience before and to many times.. by now he already have 2 months with that and he have been telling me hes tire of that . Last week i went to pick up my daughter in law from her job i took my grandson and my son that its having this problems.. so after i pick her up we went to the closes tittle Caesars pizza my older son he burly start to work as a uber driver as hes first time so he got off and buy and pay we wait until they have it ready them we got home. The next day we were talking and he tell me mom that place we went we all went before and that it was not the first time we went their. Also he tells me and my older son its not hes first time doing uber he already have been doing before and i look at him and i told him noooo for us going to that .pizza on that address it was the first time we have never been their and your brother its hes first time working as Uber i start to cry and i told him hour losing ypur mind. He grab my arms and explain mom i know but for me its have been on others times.. what ever i see or the people i see . I already saw it some how but font know how i lnow the fate we are in and the month anf year and time but something its trigger me i dont know how. Its like if im ina deep sleep anf i cant wake up. But i yell you know what ever the time it is were i should be if im little or fat i just want to go back to were i supposed to be and i yell him its this one .. Now and present and he start to cry. So yes he dont Lough or joke. Hes different of what he was.. he also said thst when he get back to yhe time he schould be that now one will remeber nothing of all thst only him so he alwsys taking pictures and i tell him why if i see all this ghat you see right now.. also thst in one of the times he said he see him turning 19 years.old but he dosnt see him self graduated and it keep repeating over and over.. and thst is 2019. But i told him yes we are in 2019 but you will be 19 in 2020 and on 2020 you graduated.. so i do have and appiinment schedule with a Mental Crisis to see whats going on. On this month of November 19, 2019… so do you think you can tell me what can be going on.. also before he start to get sick thay he was dpingmok and exercise . Hevstart to asked me amd tell me that he would luke to talk to hes xgirlfriend since they didn’t finish im a good terms he want to talk to be friends but i told him ok do what you want just later dont tell me this and that. Because she hurt him so bad he did feel in live with her and it was hes first time for him but not for her. And so he try but then this start. He start to get sick. ..well i will be reading from you and wating on you and im sorry for my long comment. I pray to God for my son to come back ..
Thank you, Sara
Roy Hewes says
Hi Sara,
I read your article, and I wanted to pass my insights in the hope it would help.
I feel for your son and can appreciate how difficult this must be …
I do not want to presume too much, but I would speculate that your son is suffering anxiety from being in love or the break-up of his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Anxiety and stress from relationships can affect our physical and emotional well-being, being over-sensitive to our emotions will fuel symptoms common to what your son is going through.
My advice would be to ask to get your son to open up about his feeling towards this girl, and if he is hung-up on her look to get him involved in some activities at least once a day that will occupy his mind. Also, seek additional help from a health professional who is more qualified in this regard.
I hope it helps and I wish you all the very best.
Sara Cardenas says
Thank you, Roy Hawes. I’m very happy to read back from you and very happy because my son it back to hes normal life. I use to be praying to God every day and I’m very thankful for all the good he done and that he work in my son. I know God always have something for each of us.. I did took him with a mental specialist Doctor and he asked all the Question to him and to me of all he does from the beginning of the day to the end of the night he goes to sleep. So the Doctor told him it was not good for him to be in a big diet like he was. Not to eat nothing until the night and only one meal a day . Also he went out 2 days with out food so the Doctor said if you don’t eat at all or 1 meal the brain doesn’t have the right function. So he start to eat and eat healthy like he use to but he’s 3 meals. So in a week he was back to he’s normal life. While he was talking we see the difference. He didn’t knowest he was back and we tell him and when we asked him about everything he use to tell us he didn’t remember nothing of that. He thought we were making out but it was true. So we just leave it behind like nothing really happened and continue living life as it goes day by day.. thank you for everything and God Blessed Everyone. .
Thank you so, Sara Cardenas 💓
ALVIN says
Hello Alfred,
So wonderfully written, and I hope you can allow me to use your material in the preaching that I am preparing. Crediting you as the source, I think excerpts from your message will be a good introduction to my preaching to open the year 2020.
Thank you as I ask your blessing! Merry Christmas!
Alfred James says
Thank you. Please go ahead Alvin. Merry Christmas to you too!
Peter says
Time is not just an illusion. It actually exists as defined in science / physics and by Einstein, etc. via E=MC2. Everything in the universe is impacted by it e.g. growth and decay, inlcuding nebulae, galaxies, stars, energy, universe expansion, erosion, tectonics, gravity, planetary orbits, etc.
Alfred James says
Hi Peter, I can’t see how E=MC2 proves our common perception of time.
I quote: “There is no time variable in the fundamental equations that describe the world. Time is merely a perspective, rather than a universal truth. It’s a point of view that humans share as a result of our biology and evolution, our place on Earth, and the planet’s place in the universe. – Carlo Rovelli, Physicist.
Kim Land says
Great post Alfred!
I try my best to live in the present moment by practicing mindfulness meditation regularly. But of course you also need to structure your life in a way that makes it less stressful. And it’s important to figure out what your goal in life is and what you love doing.
The present moment is the only moment we can expirience. We should live it to the fullest.
Trevor Trevino Reeby says
Dear Alfred, I too love your article. Certainly well written I call it a timepiece. Thank you I am also very keen to use your article and asks permission to do so with credit to you of course. Thank you in advance,
Richard says
Totally agree. We pay a high cost for not being present in the moment. In fact, we miss out on life altogether. Thanks for a great article 🙂
jenny says
I disagree with you. time is real. it does exist. I know time exists because time enters into my body, changing it little by little. I know time exists because people I love are dead. they are no longer with me, and I cannot see or touch them again. I know time exists because the sun rises and sets each day. I know time exists because the places that were once familiar to me are now strange, distant dreams. I know time exists every time I go home and encounter my mother’s face. I think it is condescending to say that the past and the future do not matter lol. also, why is it so important to be happy? the only people who tell me to be happy are the people who want me to buy something. has anyone ever actually been happy? it’s easy to pretend on the internet that we aren’t sad. but it’s not true. we struggle. we live in a world that gets dusty, gets old, gets ugly and gets forgotten. but that doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful and it’s not meaningful.
Alfred James says
Hey Jenny, tine is a concept, a measurement that man uses to quantify things such as the length of a life. But in nature there is no time, just billions of independent processes that exist in the “now”. I think happiness is the sharing of love and joy. When you give or receive love, when you share your experiences, you feel happier.
Davide Doardi says
I am 61 and suffer from death anxiety. The feeling of time is a reality. However, it is also true that the more you are engaged in the present, the less important time becomes. I know from second hand that at its peak, to be absorbed in something you treat as deeply meaningful makes time / death irrelevant. Religious people feel this relief as a discharge of responsibility accompanied by assurance everything is OK . Well that ‘ s my goal. Best
Alfred James says
You’re right Davide. At any age none of us are guaranteed another day. You’re not old. You could live another 40 years or more, so enjoy every moment you can 🙂
Poonam Mangaraj says
It’s beautifully written. Motivational. I would love to read more of such pieces. By any chance is there any app that I can have for pocket mindfulness?
Alfred James says
Hi Poonam, thank you :). There is no app I’m afraid, just this blog and my couple of books.