This morning, over breakfast, I spotted The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran, on my bookshelf. It is not unusual for me to grab this book at random and read a page or two. It’s that kind of book, one you can dip in and out of for a glass of inspiration. At random the book opened at…Read More
40 Life Lessons I’ve Learned on My Winding Road, So Far…
This ‘life lessons’ post actually came about courtesy of a friend. He said: “There’s a ton of these kind of posts online, so why don’t you do one”? So, it isn’t the most original concept, but no doubt there’s something in here that will inspire someone, somewhere. I wanted to make it 40 lessons learned because…Read More
Mindfulness for Entrepreneurs: 10 Top Tips for Survival & Success
From Google to Goldman Sachs, the business world has embraced mindfulness in a big way. And it’s no surprise. Top executives know that a decrease in stress over today’s worries, and a decrease in anxiety over tomorrow’s potential woes, paves the way for mental clarity, creative thinking, higher-level awareness for better decision making, restful sleep…Read More
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course Review
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR as it is commonly known, is a type of mindfulness training that has far-reaching benefits on mind and body. MBSR is beneficial to anyone who wants to learn how to better cope with a fast-paced, stressful, unforgiving world. Through the objective watching of emotions, it helps us make better judgements…Read More
Why Learning to Cope with Stress Is a Bad Idea
How stressed out are you? Do you tell people when you feel like stress is wearing you down? Or does that feel like an admittance of failure? No one wants to admit they can’t cope, so instead we are being taught to cope rather than have to complain or make a change. It’s like we’ve…Read More
How the Flu Dealt Me a Huge Dose of Gratitude
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi There is no truer saying. And at no time is this more poignant that when you’re sick. Just recently I came down with the flu. Not a cold, or man flu; real influenza. I experienced this 15 or…Read More
Spirituality – What Does it Really Mean?
Spirituality isn’t an easy thing to define, primarily because it is an inner personal pathway that most of us would describe differently, albeit with some common factors, I’m sure. When independent of a religious group, spirituality is perceived as somewhat ambiguous. It is a common thing to hear someone say, “I’m not religious, but consider…Read More
How the “Party Syndrome” Eats Away at Our Potential for Happiness
To sell you something, an astute marketer will always make you feel as if you are missing out. You are not as slim as others, you are not as happy as others, you are not as cool as others, you are not as beautiful as others, you are not intelligent as others, you are not…Read More
3 Special Pearls of Wisdom Adults Can Learn From Toddler Tantrums
I shouldn’t laugh, my mum says. “She must know that you’re not pandering to her attention seeking”. And I must admit, my mum is an expert when it comes to kids. Well, aren’t all mums of the “old school generation”? Seriously, it’s like every stage of development they describe before your child gets there seems…Read More
One Simple Trick to Beat Sleep Anxiety & Fall Asleep Fast
No matter how tired you are, sleep anxiety can prevent you from falling asleep and getting the valuable shut-eye you need to be happy and full of beans in the morning. The more your mind races the more restless and agitated you feel, as the monkey mind spins thought trail after trail of random worries,…Read More